Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mami's Shit: The Road to a better future for all

A word from Us

Unbeknownst to the majority of visitors to mami's Shit, we have been under sustained attack for the last few weeks by a small hardcore of disgruntled,disorganised & very unprofessional Trolls.
Their track record of disruption & stupidity stretches back a few years to other Chat-rooms & Forums.Most of which either no longer exist, or have systematically banned them from pursuing their asinine agendas.
Because Mami's used to experiment with a policy of "Absolute Free Speech" for a time, we unintentionally attracted the very people we are constantly warning others to look out for.

Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps - Documentary

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Guy Does to Bank What Banks Usually Do to Other People

A Russian man who decided to write his own amendments into a credit card contract has been given a thumbs-up by a court who upheld his version after the bank sued.
Read the story here

Monday, August 26, 2013

FlopHouse Radio Pod-Cast 05

The World's Going Crazy! Maybe I am Too?

Slightly different format this go around. I decided to just talk off the top of my head about whatever popped into it, & this is the unprofessional result!
Today, I'm talking about Egypt; Uncle Adolf; Naughty Chatroom Toddlers; New Mami's Podcasters;Syria, & spining some tunes in between.
Best Heard with Alcohol.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bradley Manning in a World of Cheneys, Hadithas, and NSA Domestic Surveillance

This is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. Overloaded. FU is what the government basically said to the people. Good luck everyone. Shits about to get really heavy soon,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Alleged Torturers sue Abu Ghraib Torture Victims

The ruling is expected to have far-reaching ramifications for the shadowy networks of private contractors who operate in war-torn Iraq under veils of secrecy and with near-immunity, despite widely documented war crimes.

Whinging bitches

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Peak Crackers on the Vinny Eastwood show August 9 2013

The Vinny Eastwood Show is not here to wake people up, it's here to help the many who should have their stories told.
9 August 2013, We All Need Paper To Fight The NWO! Feat.Mr Peak Crackers.

Mr Peak Crackers has become a prolific youtuber/social commentator, who sees the darker side of the archontic agenda and speaks up about it on his videos.  Using his own unique style of presenting the info, he exposes all facets of the control system, including the PTB’s “agenda 21” being orchestrated behind the scenes by the illuminati elite and their rich and powerful minion stooges – all of whom want to see the rest of us out of smaller towns and rural communities & herded sheep-like into large metropolitan centers, crammed into ‘micro living’ – i.e. boxed living spaces you can barely swing a cat in, where we can all be tightly controlled by their system.   (With thanks to BrianOBlivion for editing out the Ads!)


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Victory Day Imperial Pig roast

Ohalahan's Observations podcast 5 - 2013.08.4

My picks for the best broadcasts of the week. Official 911 stories are debunked and video fakery is explored as well as who is really behind the attacks. Learn to make your own soap!

P.S. Ohalahan is using the latest Bluetooth technology.

Ohalahan's EMAIL

Real Jew News
Who's the real perp?
Official story
5 dancing israeli's
zionism stinks


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Waking with RJ5


It's my birthday month! Some gardening talk, I tell a short feel good story. I mention the importance of a properly balanced pH. The usual thanks and tunes. Enjoy a break from the hustle bustle.
