Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Word of the Day: Manipulate

Manipulate: verb \mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlāt\

: to move or control (something) with your hands or by using a machine
medical : to move (muscles and bones) with your hands as a form of treatment
: to use or change (numbers, information, etc.) in a skillful way or for a particular purpose

Full Definition of MANIPULATE

transitive verb
1:  to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner
2a :  to manage or utilize skillfully
 b :  to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one’s own advantage
3:  to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one’s purpose :  doctor
ma·nip·u·lat·able adjective
ma·nip·u·la·tion noun
ma·nip·u·la·tive adjective
ma·nip·u·la·tive·ly adverb
ma·nip·u·la·tive·ness noun
ma·nip·u·la·tor noun
ma·nip·u·la·to·ry adjective

Examples of MANIPULATE

  1. The baby is learning to manipulate blocks.
  2. The mechanical arms are manipulated by a computer.
  3. The doctor manipulated my back.
  4. The program was designed to organize and manipulate large amounts of data.
  5. He’s always been good at manipulating numbers in his head.
  6. As part of the experiment, students manipulated light and temperature to see how it affected the plants.
  7. She knows how to manipulate her parents to get what she wants.
  8. He felt that he had been manipulated by the people he trusted most.
  9. The editorial was a blatant attempt to manipulate public opinion.
  10. He’s accused of trying to manipulate the price of the stock.
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