Sunday, March 31, 2013


1) Latest paytriotard drama

2) Discussion of WN and NSM movements in Amerikwa

3) Jewish leftist thinking in academia

4) Various rants

Scorpio's Talkshoe



Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hitler on jews

Thinking clearly with RJ

The use of nazi symbolism should be reserved for NS Germany. It was useful for the Reich at the time. In today's day and age almost everything German has been vilified. For those who may think that the symbols of swastikas and SS emblems are gonna get the point across or even awaken someone to think, well imo they are sadly mistaken. Not only will the message they are trying to convey be diss guarded as hate speech. In many country's it is actually punishable by prison time.
 For those who would be in the fight against the evil in our society, They will have to use new and useful methods of awakening those whom they deem worthy. Gonna need to be more creative and clever. The opposition has a stranglehold on the minds and educating process.
 Instead of always creating commotion and dis content among peers and those who would have a listen to the message. Try to rally the troops. Get all of us on the same page and then we will have a realistic and useful tool of education for those ignorant masses who seem to be content with enslavement by commercialism and immediate gratification. Things take time when they are worth creating. Patience and wisdom are our most useful tools.
 If someone wanted to get attention, and or make folks upset. All you need to do is look at what Ernst Zundell accomplished and how he peacefully did it. He used real resources and scientifically provable facts to debunk the most coveted tool for jews to keep us in they're back pocket. He showed how fanatical and outlandish jewery gets. How they are above the law and get away with the crimes they commit. Even in the face of facts and truth, the jews were able to discredit and make a mockery in the eyes of the world what the man was doing. Ernst is and always will be the best, legal example of how to kick them in the balls. The end results of what his work accomplished surely wasn't what should have happened. They should always be remembered though.... always. Never forget that the truth (in the eyes of jewery and the law apparently) is not a defense and a jews imagination is more powerful than law. Sickens me......but its what we learned. The word "stranglehold" mean anything?
 Armed with this tidbit of insight, maybe those minds can collectively drum up new and exciting ideas. Rally the entire world somehow against our shared infection. Society is infected with apathy. Political, spiritual and physical apathy. It's this apathy and the lack of even caring for fellow humans that needs to change.
 To end my thoughts today on this subject of symbolism: The 6 pointed star. Star of David. In any form this symbol is a finger in the eye of humanity. To be constantly eyeball screwed with this symbol is disrespectful. So I would say for all my peers to stop and think. Thanks for taking the time to read what I had to say today. I welcome any ideas, comments and well wishes.

        Sincerely: RJ

Democracy Promotion Horseapples

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kissenger the nobel piece prize? WTF!?

 This one should be made an example of.

What Henry Kissenger did to Cambodia

this is a very sad documentary. I am just now learning about this. Jewish media won't tar and feather a tribe member. Fuck you Henry Kissenger.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Quotes from extremist jews

 This is the source of my dislike of jewery. Fuck the jews! Assholes....

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fuck you Feinstein! We're keeping them

 The best part is that all the shelves have been cleared for fresh stock. Until the next false flag. Jews and the scams..

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Truly comedy gold. Must see! lmfao

Blatant theft

 Thanks for the good rant tezzer. I think that guy almost blew a gasket. 

6 million jews?.... doubtful

 These are the kind of video's that the zionist pigs that run the world don't want you to ever see or hear about. Spread the word and share the video. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The greatest thing is truth

 If only more folks would listen to this man. I love you Ernst!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Sherrie Questioning All: My investigation/follow up of Russians in East Ten...

Hope for the future

Bugger the bankers

The real slavers

Jews and they're love for the world

“We shirk our patriotic duty in wartime because we are pacifists by nature and tradition, and we are the arch-plotters of universal wars and the chief beneficiaries of those wars (see the late "Dearborn Independent," passim, and "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"). We are at once the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and the chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism.
You make much noise and fury about the undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. Very good; granted your complaint is well-founded. But what is that compared to our staggering influence in your churches, your schools, your laws and your governments, and the very thoughts you think every day?
 You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.”

 Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish author, quote from January 1928 issue of Century Magazine

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Allied atrocities

Rachel Corrie.

RIP Rachel, I will never forget you!

The coming battle.

This is a great must read! Lock and load Americans..

New Genome Study Destroys Zionist Claims to Palestine

On Decemever 14, 2012, Dr. Eran Elhaik turned almost two generations of Jewish genome research upside down. But he went even further. The young Israeli-Ameican geneticist has charged former researchers with academic fraud, and he has the research to back it up.
How could those those eminent Jewish scientist before him have been so wrong? Easy says Dr. Elhaik, “First these researchers decided what conclusions they wanted to find, and then they set off to find evidence to support it.” I was not bashing Jewish scientists. What Elhaik has described is a slam dunk fraud.
But why? Why would Jews who take such pride in the academic achievement risk exposing themselves to a group deception which was bound to be discovered later? Dr. Elhaik does not delve into the quicksand of the politics, but I will gladly do so.
They perpetrated the fraud solely to support the bogus biblical claim to Palestine which was anchored in their being a separate people. This distinguished them from all others because they claimed a land title in their blood.
They bet the farm on this DNA proof of purchase, a God given bar coded passport to the Palestine. Dr. Ehaik just erased the bar code. It was just stamped on anyway, because it was never in the blood.
Why, why did they do it? The second half of the answer not revealed in his research was that you had a bunch of atheist, communist Jews shoot their way into taking over the Land with the sole moral cover that ‘God gave it us only’.
Before I had a bookcase of Judacia in my library I must say I was a bit suspicious of these atheist Jews whipping out God’s dual land title and passport. It was propaganda of course. It always was. And the story for another day is why did an entire academic community who should have known better, cower down and debase themselves in their own community by allowing the fraud to not only be birthed, but continued?
Arthur Koestler’s The Thirteen Tribe was a major influence in cracking the fraud. It was published in the day when Zionist propagandist were very savvy in not attacking an esteemed Jewish author. They had no fear from the academic community, already neutralized, and Kostler’s book did not generate a moral tipping point challenge to the Zionist false claim on the Land.
Dr. Elhaik literally nails the fraudsters to the cross, “….[they] assumed that the Jews constitute a group that is genetically isolated from other nations.”…That’s because Jews were never genetically isolated, making all those other studies fatally flawed and very often contradictory.
I was wondering what weapon of mass destruction that the Jewish Lobby bullies would unleash upon the young Israeli-American geneticist. I expected to be reading about Alan Dershowitz denouncing him as a self hating Jew, when actually that is what Dershowitz is. He and Abe Foxman compete for the most negative Jewish stereotype/best bully competition award annually.
But there has been no attack. The 32 year old Dr.Elhaid is getting the Arthur Koestler treatment, in spades. What do I mean? Well, his research paper was published by the Oxford University Press, in the prestigious journal Genome Biology and Evolution.
But do you think a bunch of savvy Zionist propagandists are going to worry about the mass public ever hearing a thing about his research? Of course not. And are these same pretend-a-Jews going to risk giving his work a 100 times more exposure by attacking him publicly?
Let’s get back to Dr. Elhaik hammering the nails in, “First these researchers decided what conclusion they wanted to find, and then they set off to find evidence to support it…It is my impression that their results were written before they began the research. First they shot the arrow – and then the painted a bull’s-eye around it.”
Take a moment to ponder what he said there, folks. Does that sound like someone trembling in fear of Jewish Lobby power in America, or someone thinking that his career is over and committing hari-kari? No. That ‘painted a bull’s-eye around it’ was not an off the cuff remark, but one he had chosen to use in a Haaretz interview.
This is a young man who is NOT standing on the shoulders of the fraudsters who have gone before him. On the contrary he wants to stand on their academic bones by exposing them, and he has.
More from his Haaretz interview, “The various groups of Jews in the world today do not share a common genetic origin. We are talking here about groups that are very heterogeneous and which are connected solely by religion…[the] genome of European Jews is a mosaic of ancient peoples and its origin is largely Khazar.”

The Genome Project Spelled Doom for the Founding Myths of Israel
Now onto some of the science highlights. Dr. Elhaik’s research shows that the dominant element in the genetic makeup of European Jews is Khazar. For Central European Jews it is 38%, while for East Europeans it is 30%.
To that you can add his findings that in both groups their genome is mostly Western European. Surprise, surprise.
The Roman empire is the dominant lineage there, those that settled on the frontier, like retired soldiers, and the locals with whom they produced families.
There were some Jewish merchants there as Elhaik did find some Middle Eastern roots which he suspects are Mesopotamian and a bit of biblical Israel.
But here comes the slam dunk…the Israel connection is such a tiny part of their overall genome that it cancels out their DNA title claim to the Land. The good doctor would not wander into this swamp but I will, by calling a spade a spade.
What Dr. Elhaik has discovered folks is a ‘reverse holocaust’, the inventing of huge numbers of pseudo-Jews who have no more a blood claim to the land of Palestine than I do, even if I converted.
What I have just stated in no way challenges a religious or cultural affiliation. But as we all know, most Jews are not religious, including in Israel where way more than most are not. Subtracting that, then all you have is the tribe, the DNA, which unites them to a shared history of persecution. But that folks, is now all gone. Poof…gone.
Who among use does not have some genetic make up of a people who had suffered in ancient times, even numbers of different peoples, five or ten different ones? Why should we allow the pretend-a-Jews to send all of our gene pool to the back of the historical suffering bus as Club Med ancestors who enjoyed the ‘all inclusive’ treatment. I find that just a bit too convenient.

The Human Genome cannot be holocausted – even if Zionists wanted to.
So these ‘Jews’, are they then just a gang, united to be against all those not in the gang? Have they invented the whole story in a way like gang members take an oath and defend territory?
And is that not where Herzl and others before him saw an opening, that the Land could be a territory bond to unite Jews who were always fighting like cats and dogs amongst each other?
And is not the 2000 years of persecution claimed mostly by those who are not really descended from those actual people? Who really has holocausted whom here, and why? We had Golda Meir’s instant holocausting of the Palestinian people with her infamous, “There are no Palestinian people.”
Is this not poetic justice from Dr. Elhiak, that he brings us scientific proof of there being no biblical Jewish people as such as they have presented themselves? And does this not also make a fraud of the historical ‘anti-semite’ smear, by a people who aren’t even semites?
I think it might be time to start setting things straight on the Founding Myths. I must admit that I never expected to get a free ticket to the truth from a smart young Iaraeli doctor from John Hopkins who has his moral rudder deep in the water.
He is not a gangster, whoever his ancestors were. We call this…leadership, with maybe a touch of Moses parting the Founding Myth waters for those who want to walk through to the other side.
We shall now see if others choose to be free, or to run with the gang. The militant Israelis, they always knew this day was coming. That is what their nukes have been for, always. They knew.
They never believed in it themselves. They were atheists for heaven’s sake.
Great job! Now get the liars and crooks the fuck out of Palestine already! GRRRRRRRR!!!

The Act of 1871: The "United States" Is a Corporation

Friday, March 1, 2013

Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour Episode 28 - 2013.03.01

1) Troof movement drama
2) Century of the Self
3) Brainwash the kids young
4) Various rants

Scorpio's Talkshoe


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is furious at his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for describing Zionism “a crime against humanity.”

"I strongly condemn the comparison that the Turkish prime minister drew between Zionism and fascism," Netanyahu said on Thursday, adding, "I had thought that such dark and libelous comments were a thing of the past."

He made the remarks in response to Erdogan’s Wednesday speech at the opening session of Fifth Alliance of Civilizations Forum in the Austrian capital city of Vienna, where he said, “Just like Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it becomes unavoidable that Islamophobia must be regarded as a crime against humanity.”

The Turkish premier further decried the rising racism in Europe as “a serious problem for the Alliance of Civilizations Project.”

The development comes as, Turkey severed all ties with Israel over the 2010 killing of nine Turkish activists on a flotilla aid headed to Gaza, setting an official apology, paying compensation to the families of the victims and ending the blockade of the Gaza Strip as preconditions for the normalization of relations with the Israeli regime.

Meanwhile, Turkish newspaper Radikal said recently that secret meetings had been held between Israeli and Turkish officials and Tel Aviv might apologize for “operational errors” during the fatal raid.

Israel has also expressed readiness to meet the second condition, offering compensation, the report said, adding that Turkey has decided to overlook the third condition