Friday, September 27, 2013

wolf spirit radio-mindcontrolmrpeakcrackers.2013.09.26

Dr Gnu and Mr PeakCrackers have an interesting conversation with an emotional caller.
64k CF Download

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What are they spraying

Scientific American discredits itself by insisting that consumers be kept in the dark about GMOs

many countries have instituted moratoriums on GM crops or ordered to allow time for long term studies to be conducted. It is only on account of the powerful biotech and pharmaceutical lobbies that this has not been considered - and likely will not be considered - in the United States

Read the article here 

LEONARD Peltier 40 years after

Sunday, September 15, 2013

10th improv with Del, Sept 11 2013

Del is joined by Foon1e, Mr.Peak Crackers, RJ, Zap and Whooli For an Impromptu Late Night Convo
Many topics Covered


outside radio/a view from the bog

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.09.10

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - US Being Torn To Pieces

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - The Syria Slaughter

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

The Upcoming War On Syria: Dissecting The Criminal US President's September 10th, 2013 Speech To The American People.

 I decided after taking as much "Pepto-Bismol" as I could to actually listen to the criminal US President's speech to the American public tonight..... It was a good thing that I took that stomach antacid, because the lies were coming out of this criminal's mouth so fast and furiously that I honestly wanted to puke...  What was said was some of the worse bullcrap lies and falsehoods about Syria that anyone could imagine! NTSeeker
 click the link to read the article, Thanks NTS


Thursday, September 5, 2013

USA.... Bad Dog!

"If there is one nation on this planet that has no right, whatsoever, to point the finger at anybody for the use of weapons of mass destruction and including the chemical weapons, it is the United States..., If anyone needs to be punished, it is not the United States punishing somebody else. It is the entire world which needs to punish the United States for its continued act of aggression and its state-sponsored terrorism that has now killed a million or more people in Iraq and continues to destroy lives mercilessly. It is the United States of America, Israel and Britain, which are the real problem, not Iran and not Syria.”

Monday, September 2, 2013

delcroix's improv no 9 ...sept 1 2013


    del is joined by foon1e, rj, peak crackers, brizer and nick 

for another late night early morning chinwag


outside radio/a view from the bog

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wake up!

Understandable Despondency

 I think all of us at times go through lulls, feeling despondent and even depressed with all of this darkness. Why would we not? How could we not? After all we are looking a 99% of dark depressive news and material most of the time. At times we think to ourselves, Is there ever going to be some good news? Even when we do see some light, a dash of hope, it soon gets quashed by the darkness.