Friday, January 31, 2014

The Insurgent Radio 5.15.2013

  Carolyn Yeager interviews Tommy in May of 2013. Excellent mp3 if you want to learn TT's story. Tommy dumps on Duke.


The Jackal's Den 1.30.2014

 Impromptu drunkards discussing extreme issues and why they won't help. Commentary , news and views from our glorious leader. Hail Caesar.


Dik Dik Radio 1.30.2014

I have been listening to this guy for a few shows. He is hilarious and had me in stitches last night. Wondering what is going on in the White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity Movements? This is where to find out. Uncensored and frank analysis. Explicit language.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Radio Free Northwest 2.21.2013

This is an HAC special. He addresses "white character" He refers to this podcast for anyone with questions about his decisions to vet newcomers. This is the podcast to listen to if you don't know who HAC is.


World View Foundations 1.29.2014

Rodney is joined by Ukrainian Mr.Svarg Sirenko and reports on events in Ukraine based on talks he has had with people who are closely related to the events in Ukraine and who are closely related to National Socialist Comrades fighting to end Russian domination and fighting EU entrapment


The Insurgent Radio 7.29.2013

She Wolf from Socal talks about the environmental dissaster heading south from Alberta. TT tells the story of Prussian Blue. The twins (Lamb and Lynx). How a "militant" NS lifestyle isn't the best way to raise children. Tommy screens some news and gives his wise commentary.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Da Dik Dik show 9.2.2012

A retro show about the Mamzer Civil War. A wild take from the wild man Linstedt. This isn't retarded nor is this the Hal Turner show!, This is not the Finklestein shit kid show either! It's the bowel movement internet jewboy vs faggot radio civil war! lol Hail Victory!


The Insurgent Radio Show 1.16.2013

TT is interviewed by a journalist from Germany. He talks about leaderless resistance individuals, lone wolfs and other ally's in our fight. His valuable experience may help to think clearly and keep your ass out of prison.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Dik Dik Radio 1.26.2014

 "With his so-called "Movement Turd" program on Talkshoe, Lindstedt has become something of a cross between the foul-mouthed jew Lenny Bruce and the Gossip Whore jewess Rona Barrett, where he offers nothing more than lies, curses and blasphemies. When he has none of those, he bursts into song and dance as if imitating some sick jewish vaudeville act. All of this is from a script that sounds like it was written by the ADL, or at least by Jerry Springer. Uncle Felix would approve."
Explicit language. I can't even believe I spent an hour editing this. Have fun listening and trying to understand what he says. Let alone what his message is. Pastor Martin Lipshitz


In Palestine, A History of Dispossession

 Increasing acts of violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories have been repeatedly denounced. Together with the increasing number of settlements being built on Palestinian land, those acts of violence betray justice and seriously undermine the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Read more here:
 I cannot help but wonder how things would be if it were the Palestinians in charge of Palestine. There was a time prior to 1948 when bulldozers were used to build roads. Just the sight of this military dozer with an israeli shield in front makes me want to prime the ovens.

Monday, January 27, 2014

TiU Radio Monday 1.27.2014

The Ogster discusses the 800 pound gorilla in every room and listening to every conversation.


AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

The Insurgent Radio 4.20.2013

TT wishes Happy Birthday's and tells some story's of local events. Sling Blade from Ghost Wolf Radio is his guest. He promotes survival education and combat readiness books. It would be better to have and not need, than to need and not have. Educate your children and don't rely on anyone but yourself.


The Jackal's Den 1.27.2014

The Emperor feels like talking. Our glorious leader like shares news, stories and like give his undeniable take on like it all. huhuh huhuh muh-dik.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Fourth Position Radio Show 12.29.2013

I dont even know what to say about this podcast. " What is an Aryan?". Bob aka Wolfwallstreet. Maybe he can pm me a synapsis. The term kike jew more times than you can shake a stick at. lol


The Insurgent Radio 12.24.2013

Tommy has shots of Scotch and a conversation with Stray Dog from New Joizey. Obama is taken to the woodshed for a few. Merry Christmas to all zionist's and to all zionist's a giant Quenelle.


Jackals Den 1.26.2014

The Emperor relaxes with grapes and allows the plebs to express grievances. Youth of today, and why they shouldn't be exterminated . Dealing with Trolls or no trolls. Brian mentions his disdain  and his hatred of Jimhater and all the boys dog him out.  News with commentary and invaluable insight into these impressive times. This is a continuation of the Renegade roundtable. Hail Caesar


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Truth Militia Radio 1.25.2014

Tonight's episode of Truth Militia Radio we will be discussing the continued Jewish destruction of the American Shithole, and the Racial Separation that is needed.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Cartoonfun 1.24.2014

The Insurgent Radio 12.31.2013

Terrible Tommy Takes everyone to the woodshed. He reads a letter from a French listener and explains some about Dieudonne. (La Quenelle) industry).


The Jackals Den 1.23.2014

"America is a shit hole, and I'm friggin pissed" Emperor 2014. Explicit language, drunken anger and hatred. Just shy of 5 hours long. Get your dose of reality and a glimpse into the thoughts of the youth of today. Brian holds the show together during the jax breaks and tells some interesting storys. Sid calls in and rails on Jim,  a Pastor named Bill calls in and dominates the conversation. Even some interesting callers. Hail Caesar!


Cordite Country 9.10.2011

Herbal healing for Stomach Ulcers; Weight Loss Power Herbs. Cordi also gives a take on the 9/11 event. She had 45 minutes worth of adds, songs and commercials. She knows her herbs and veggies. Enjoy this uplifting and inspirational podcast. It will truly change the world.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Insurgent Radio Show 12.18.2013

From the warehouse and military bunker, Tommy takes two to the bollocks from many people. But he's got some good ideas. He takes a swipe at his anonymous trolls. He's advocating sending help to prisoners of activism against the tyranny of government. They sacrificed so much for us and have been forgotten. Tommy also has DC SCOUT on and news and commentary with a twist.


Whinging with RJ 7 1.23.2014

A short take on a few topics like 9/11, mind control, Sandy Hook and the white man march. Sharing a couple real life story's and 1 great song at the end. La Quenelle! 


The real world of money with Andrew Gause 1.22.2014

Hidden Inflation; the Gold Fix; and Coming Defaults

-The coming defaults in China, how it has come
to this and how it can affect us
-The importance of tariffs that are not in effect today
-Show us the Gold. The NY Fed says they have 8,000 tons of gold many experts, including Andrew, say “It just ain’t there baby.”
-The history of where the gold has gone
-Hear us talk about the fascinating chart on show page comparing the ramp up of gold in the seventies to the S&P of today.
-Inflation is hidden in inferior products from overseas
-Would Apple moving production to U.S. be “The right thing?”
-Canada caller wondering about selling property and buying precious metals
-ECB is unable to sterilize their inflation of the money supply
-700,000 Greeks are behind and paying installments on their utility bill
-The gold fix, what it is and why it’s weaking
-You ask what are Andy’s best investments after gold and silver coins
The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Radio Free Northwest – January 22nd 2014

HAC spends most of the podcast ranting and raving at the FBI and then starts up a major Goat Dance; Olivia talks about a monkoidal shooting incident, and Andy deals with the “Northwest is full of liberals” canard.


The Insurgent Radio Show 12.7.2013

Terrible Tommy, synopsis pending


School sucks 1.21.2014

WARNING: Very strong language.
Zero Tolerance policies penetrated American schooling in the early 1990s. A generation later, it could be argued that the verdict is on the effectiveness and damage of this approach. However, Zero Tolerance policies are now more destructive than ever, especially for poor and minority students.


The INSURGENT INTEL & RADIO SHOW retro show from Jan 3 2011

Tom Metzgers daily radio show with thoughtful commentary, interesting guests and now including strategic intelligence reports


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 1.21.2014

Talking about swejish control of everything. Kosher food tax too.


The Realist Report 1.21.2014

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Chris Katko, a dissident cartoonist exposing the "New World Order" agenda. Chris and I will be talking about his background and artwork


Dances of Life

Food Riot Radio 1.12.2014

Diabetes Warrior Steve Cooksey talks about the benefits of a Paleo diet. When Steve gave up processed junk-foods and started eating like our paleolithic ancestors, his diabetes disappeared. He went from obese and out-of-shape, to a lean, mean, fighting machine. Hear Steve’s take on food and why he thinks conventional doctors and nutritionists have got it all wrong. In the 2nd hour Brad talks about the "pink slime" (beef) BPI industry claims they have lost shekels. A 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit against ABC news for defamation of character on industry is on the books. Enjoy your fast food. ;)
around 50 minutes Brad goes on an explanation about free speech and lies. Liberals. haha enjoy, RJ


Healing Our World with Mary Tocco 1.18.2014

 Healing Our World is dedicated to bringing natural health solutions forward to help improve, empower and encourage people to embrace natural healthcare. Mary interviews authors, researchers, physicians and activists who are working to make the world a better place. She highlights products and solutions that are proven effective and safe in helping to regain health.
The Organic Guru Lynette Pate joins Mary. Author of "fuel for the body". 


Celebrate diversity! MLK day.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mike Harris Show – January 16th 2014

HAC and talk show host Mike Harris rap on all manner of politically incorrect topics.


Survival and Beyond with Ed Corcoran12.18.2013

With the Fukushima situation still out of control, Ed talks about what you can do to prepare your body prior to radiation exposure and treatments you can use if you do get exposed. He also chats with a listener about where NOT to be located in the event of a nuclear attack or disaster, grid crash, economic collapse or any other major event, as well as some of the better places to relocate or bug out to. He also reports on recent events and sounds off about several topics including: Obamacare, Geo engineering, the cooling global climate (and the global warming myth), Food Control, Agenda 21 and the necessity of higher consciousness. Ed also welcomes guest Carlo Ami – author of: “All That Matters”, “The Wake Up Book” and “When IT Hits the Fan” and they have a lively discussion about what it means to be truly “awake” and how consciousness is key for eliminating fear and freeing us from our current state of brainwashed slavery – among other topics.


Lock and Load with Bill Frady 1.17.2014

Liberal Okie Judge inadvertently makes strong case for protecting 2nd Amendment rights,Chicago Tribune is very worried indeed about the coming concealed carry population of Chicago,NY Sheriff says 7 rd limit will not be enforced by his office,Doctors fight back against new role as gun control arbiters,Smart AR 15 should cause many cerebral bleeds for the gun grabbers,States may bind together to fight Federal gun control,Legal gun owners  fight gun confiscations in 2nd Amendment friendly states,Movie theater shooter claims fear of being attacked and may mount stand your ground defense,Movie producer plans to make movie that will make the NRA wish they had never been born,The Ninjas call in full force today.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.1.17

Dr. Linda Lagemann talks about the psychiatric drugging of the military covered in the new CCHR documentary 


The Sound of Freedom 1/4/14 with Guest Mark Diehl

1/4/14 - “They have the least dangerous jobs, live in the safest neighborhoods, and have the best access to health care; extrapolate this for several generations and a distinct pattern emerges: We are evolving into a corporate species,” says Author Mark Diehl, who has studied in Singapore, fled South Korea as a fugitive and was stranded in Hong Kong for weeks – and author of “Seventeen: Book One,” a book that’s a natural progression from Ayn Rand’s objectivist works.


The Free American 1.17.2014

My Guest today is: Arnie Rosner
Thanks to many others through whom I have extensively explored this concept, I am now very confident I really know very little. Rapidly approaching age 77, I am comforted by the fact that I now know that no one else knows anything either. They just think they do.
 Clay is needing help and begs for donations. His bike broke down and the israeli mechanic wants a ton of shekels.


Sylvia Stolz faces new charges of "Holocaust Denial"

Sylva Stolz, is the brave German Lawyer who was imprisoned for three and a half years for carrying out her duties, when she defended in court, another hero of the Truth Seeking movement, Ernst Zündel, who was subsequently sentenced to five years in prison for questioning whether the Holocaust did or did not happen.
Read more here:
This is an article from a year ago. I feel it's worthy of sharing again. RJ

AZK - Sylvia Stolz - Lawyer Who Was Jailed for Presenting Evidence in the Zundel Trial

(English Subs) Sylvia Stolz, a German Lawyer who was jailed for presenting evidence in the defence of her client in the criminal court trial in Germany of so-called holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, tells her story at the AZK (Anti-Zensor-Koalition) Conference in Switzerland, in November 2012. In 2008, she was banned from speaking during the trial, barred from presenting evidence, and criminally charged with contempt of court, and with inciting contempt, and charged under the same section of the German Criminal Code as her client, and subsequently imprisoned for 3 years. She is also barred from practising law.. After giving this presentation in Switzerland, she is now again facing criminal charges, as is the host and organizer of the AZK, Mr. Ivo Sasek

Cordite country 9.9.2011

DIY Bouillon Cubes; Herbal Tea to Relieve Indigestion; Natural Help for Nerve Pain & Damage; Natural Pain Relievers


The Jackal's Den 1.16.2014

  Emperor8 - "Weakness In Our Movement, and What We Can Do"
 Christianity, the chosen ones, and other topics including an introduction to the term Twerkquakes. Like, oi, WASPS, more yiddish impersonations, oi. Brilliant insight from Brian. USA is #1. Brawndo has electrolytes.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

The National Intel Report 1.16.2014

John has Deana Spingola on and they talk about Germany and the lies that have been told to the world about WW2. I hope you like this one theding. Thanks Scorp.


The Free American 1.16.2014

Paul Pantone is the heart and soul of Global Environmental Energy Technology, which is known by many as GEET ( In many ways, he has been the keeper of the promise that his technology, through the plasma energy that it generates and utilizes, holds for humanity.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Retard Nation

Idiocracy- Brawndo

This is America. Thanks

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.01.15

We announce our gold prediction contest winners for
final 2013 prices. How could we all have been so far off?
-Physical gold possession going up and prices going down.
What’s up with that?
-Andy gives his arguments against investing in Iraqi currency trades
-The Iraqi Oil Trusts and other things we don’t hear about
-The first causality of war is the Truth
-Inflation is coming, you can be sure of that
-Marc Faber weighs in on Bit Coin vs. Gold
-Jessie James and the Civil War
-Higher taxes are coming
-JP Morgan and the China and Gold Connection
-Cooking the books and unemployment numbers
-Being a landlord vs. owning precious metals
-Medical Marijuana, banking and the pharmaceutical model


Radio Free Northwest – January 16th 2014

HAC on sad sacks and guerrilla warfare, Olivia on the White slaves of the 17th century, and Gretchen reviews Ward Kendall’s latest novel, The Towers of Eden.


The Free Murican 1.15.2014

Our Hero talks about a bunch of stuff.


Absolutely shocking facts about the Republican Party - They Are Today What They've Always Been

My fellow Americans, what you are about to read is not taught in your history books, said on television, or even known by virtually any American. Until today it was not even known by me but after extensive research the facts are, to say the least; shocking.
Read the article here:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Free American 1.14.2014

My Guest today is: David Snieckus Slow Money Principles. Our hero is settling into running the show without the annoyance of the "fusion center"
