Monday, March 31, 2014

The Common Sense Show 3.30.2014

On March 30, 2014, on The Common Sense Show, Dave Hodges was joined by ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow, for the entire three hours.  They discussed the missing Malaysian Airliner, the coming World War, the existence of a possible military coup against Obama, the crisis in Ukraine, the increasing isolation of America from her allies and a lot of other ground breaking topics in what could prove to be the most explosive interview, this year, on The Common Sense Show Thanks for the heads up on this one sigil. Enjoy this commercial free version.


Fight For Our Freedom 3.28.2014

BadBaby doesn't have a guest on this show. She's been researching mind control techniques and she is relating it to the latest missing airplane.She also shares an audio clip explaining some effects concerning fluoridated water.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mike enjoys hossenfeffer

Mike does an impersonation of Horus. Leaving little doubt how ridiculous the whole mantra is. He takes Kyle to the woodshed and hacks renegade's blogtalk network. Look for April 9th.


Fourth Position 3.30.2014

Wolf Wall Street has a special guest named Denise. I listened and liked what this woman had to say. She is confident and seems well read. This is the first time I heard her. Have a listen and tell me what you think.

Denise's blog The White Tea Room

White Kamikazi Panzer Division 3.30.2014

The hardest working radio personality covers for europeangodzilla. Also a special appearance by Mike Sledge and he shares some quite interesting information. @ 1:11:00. It really gets good ! 1:22:00. RIP Horus.


Things that highly creative people do differently 2

  They observe everything.
The world is a creative person's oyster -- they see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking in information that becomes fodder for creative expression. As Henry James is widely quoted, a writer is someone on whom "nothing is lost."  The writer Joan Didion kept a notebook with her at all times, and said that she wrote down observations about people and events as, ultimately, a way to better understand the complexities and contradictions of her own mind:  "However dutifully we record what we see around us, the common denominator of all we see is always, transparently, shamelessly, the implacable 'I,'" Didion wrote in her essay On Keeping A Notebook. "We are talking about something private, about bits of the mind’s string too short to use, an indiscriminate and erratic assemblage with meaning only for its marker."
Read more here: 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

RJ asks Horus

RJ calls in and asks a few questions. 1. who is the "whites" enemy. 2. Is Bibi Netanyahu "white". 3. Do the majority of people who see Bibi think he is "white". 4. What do you think about the Northwest Front. 5. Do you support people by what they look like or by their actions?


Friday, March 28, 2014

2014 National Summit - Reassessing US Israel special relationship

This is 8 hours long, but absolutely riveting. Enjoy

Things Highly Creative People Do Differently 1

Creativity works in mysterious and often paradoxical ways. Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking process.
They Daydream: Although daydreaming may seem mindless, a 2012 study suggested it could actually involve a highly engaged brain state -- daydreaming can lead to sudden connections and insights because it's related to our ability to recall information in the face of distractions. Neuroscientists have also found that daydreaming involves the same brain processes associated with imagination and creativity.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

From The Bunker April 2013

This is a retro special that is well worth a listen. Dire Wolf..A year ago what this man was saying got him some bad press. He kicks the Renegade crew all over the place. Calls out Mike Sledge and rips on Kyle. Enjoy the show and leave some feedback. It would be nice to get DW to do a follow up podcast imo.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Why Zasto" - NATO bombing Yugoslavia IN 1999

The Empire is in trouble

" Irrational attachment to Israel has lured the Empire into a series of disastrous attacks on Muslim-majority states. In 2008, economist Joseph Stiglitz estimated that the war on Iraq alone had cost the US more than $3 trillion. Since then, he has repeatedly revised that estimate upward. Throw in Afghanistan and other theaters of the anti-Muslim pro-Zionist crusade, and we are in the double-digit trillions."
Read more here:

Festive Nuremberg

Leo Tolstoy: Expand Your Social Circle

The most essential lesson to take from Tolstoy is to follow his lead and recognize that the best way to challenge our assumptions and prejudices, and develop new ways of looking at the world, is to surround ourselves with people whose views and lifestyles differ from our own. That's why he ceased socializing in Moscow and spent so much time with laborers on the land. In Resurrection, Tolstoy pointed out that most people, whether they are wealthy businessmen, powerful politicians, or common thieves, consider their beliefs and way of life to be both admirable and ethical. "In order to keep up their view of life," he wrote, "these people instinctively keep to the circle of those people who share their views of life and their own place in it."
 If we want to question our beliefs and ideals, we need to follow the example of Tolstoy, spending time with people whose values and everyday experiences contrast with our own. Our task must be to journey beyond the perimeters of the circle.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Advice to Jews on how to behave in the USSR

Read and weep.
This was published in Tel Aviv in 1958

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Leo Tolstoy: Beware your contradictions.

Tolstoy's new, simpler life was not, however, without its struggles and contradictions. Apart from the fact that he preached universal love yet was constantly fighting with his wife, the apostle of equality was never able to fully abandon his wealth and privileged lifestyle, and lived till old age in a grand house with servants. When he mooted the idea of giving away his estate to the peasants, his wife and children were furious, and he eventually backed down. But in the early 1890s he managed, against their wishes, to relinquish copyright to a huge portion of his literary works, in effect sacrificing a fortune. In his last years, when writers and journalists came to pay homage to the bearded sage, they were always surprised to find the world's most famous author chopping wood with some workers or making his own boots. Given the privileged position in which Tolstoy started life, his personal transformation, if not complete, still deserves our admiration.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Flight 370 and the Ukraine connection

I have no doubt that America intentionally stole Chinese engineers and technology via the theft of flight 370 as a precursor to World War 3. And I think the U.S. was in Ukraine to secure that territory as a precursor as well, and Russia did not play as nice as the cabal thought they would. But the theft of flight 370 indicates to me that they are going to proceed as planned despite Russia's reaction, with whatever they have.
Read more here

Watch what you say about War for Ukraine. Obama may seize your assets.

March 15, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "RPI"-  Do you, like 56 percent of the US population, believe that the US should “not get too involved” in the Ukraine situation? Do you think that the US administration putting us on a war footing with Russia is a bad idea? Are you concerned that the new, US-backed leaders of Ukraine — not being elected — might lack democratic legitimacy? Are you tempted to speak out against US policy in Ukraine; are you tempted to criticize the new Ukrainian regime?
Read and weep

Monday, March 17, 2014

We Are Watching You Rand Paul

Leo Tolstoy Lesson 4: Master the Art of Simple Living

One of Tolstoy's greatest gifts — and also a source of torment — was his addiction to the question of the meaning of life. He never ceased asking himself why and how he should live, and what was the point of all his money and fame. In the late 1870s, unable to find any answers, he had a mental breakdown and was on the verge of suicide. But after immersing himself in the German philosopher Schopenhauer, Buddhist texts, and the Bible, he adopted a revolutionary brand of Christianity which rejected all organized religion, including the Orthodox Church he had grown up in, and turned toward a life of spiritual and material austerity. He gave up drinking and smoking, and became a vegetarian. He also inspired the creation of utopian communities for simple, self-sufficient living, where property was held in common. These "Tolstoyan" communities spread around the world and lead Gandhi to found an ashram in 1910 named the Tolstoy Farm.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Futurist Podcast March 2014

This is Brianoblivion/Diceman's fourth podcast

Observations from a listener's perspective.

Jew or Not Jew
Organised vs the unorganised
Brendan O'Connell's imprisonment
Jews on "skeptic" podcasts
Sandy Hook

Note: there are some brief musical interludes to break up the "segments". My Chatango handle is BrianOBlivion.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Delcroix's Improv 14 March 2014

Del is joined by RJ, Zap, Foon1e, Bread n Circus, Hollow Coats, Brizer, Wanda,  and Craw for a late night chat.


Outside Radio

Circus Maximus Episode VI March 13 2014

Circus Maximus VI – Guest Eric Hunt

Nick Spero and Eric Hunt discuss:
• The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
• The Last Days of the Big Lie
• Eric’s incident with Elie Wiesel
• Where is Elie’s Tattoo
• Night
• Mark Weber and the IHR
• Oprah & Elie Wiesel in Aushwitz
• Calls were taken • 224-244-7300


Please visit Eric Hunt’s website to watch his documentaries

Outside Radio

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Radio Free Northwest 3.13.2014

HAC bloviates on the Ukraine, Aryan History, and sex. We hear from an organic migrant and Gretchen on Tom Clancy, while Andy talks about real politics. Nice selection of St Patrick’s day mellows.


en Hitler über Juden 1933

Thanks Theding.


Look how media spins.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The "Kosher tax"

To some it is an old story, hardly newsworthy. To others it is evidence of a world conspiracy suggesting "the Mark of the Beast." For me, it's something quite frightening. It's called "The Kosher Tax."

Read and weep here:

Life Lesson 3: Make a difference

Tolstoy Ploughing (c.1889) by Ilya Repin
For an upper-class literary gent, Tolstoy made a notable effort to take practical action to alleviate other people's suffering. His dedication to the peasantry was nowhere more evident than in his famine relief work. After the crop failure of 1873, Tolstoy decided to stop writing Anna Karenina for a year to organize aid for the starving, remarking to a relative, "I cannot tear myself away from living creatures to bother about imaginary ones." His friends and family thought it crazy that one of the finest novelists in the world would put one of his works of genius on the backburner. But Tolstoy was adamant. He did it again after the famine in 1891, and with other members of his family spent the next two years raising money from around the world and working in soup kitchens. Can you imagine a bestselling author today setting aside their latest book to do humanitarian relief work for two years?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fight for Freedom 3.8.2014

    Badbaby and Chris from freedomfighters for america. com. talk about local issues with the DOJ (dept of justice) Civilian targeting as well as many other interesting topics. Let me know what y'all think about Badbaby. She mentions her community has fema stickers on mailboxes. pink ones, yellow ones and red ones oh my.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Flakeologist 3.8.2014

The misdirectionalologist Ab Arato from the failologist leaves no doubt who butters his buns. The lads Del, Brizer and Zapoper grill and BBQ this israeli shill. Quenelle!


Leo Tolstoy lesson 2: Practice Empathy

Tolstoy was one of the great empathic adventurers of the 19th century, displaying an unusual desire to step into the shoes of people whose lives were vastly different from his own. Following the Emancipation of the Serfs in 1861, and influenced by a growing movement across Russia which extolled the virtues of the peasantry, Tolstoy not only adopted traditional peasant dress, but worked alongside the laborers on his estate, ploughing the fields and repairing their homes with his own hands. For a blue-blooded count, such actions were nothing short of remarkable. Although no doubt tinged with paternalism, Tolstoy enjoyed the company of peasants and consciously began to shun the literary and aristocratic elite in the cities. He also founded an experimental school for peasant children based on the libertarian and egalitarian ideas of Rousseau and Proudhon, and even taught there himself. Unlike many of his fellow aristocrats who claimed solidarity with rural laborers, Tolstoy believed you could never understand the reality of their lives unless you had a taste of it yourself.
Tolstoy Ploughing (c.1889) by Ilya Repin.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Da Dik Dik show 3.6.2014

Wondering what is going on in the White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity Movements? This is where to find out. Uncensored and frank analysis. Explicit language. Hosted by: DickReltney 
Meth goobering Pisser Possums, melungonous mestizos, mamzer poof poppers and nimbuster retards scurry around.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Leo Tolstov life lesson #1 Keep an open mind

Tolstoy Ploughing (c.1889) by Ilya Repin
One area in which Tolstoy excelled was the ability and willingness to change his mind based on new experiences. It was a skill he began nurturing in the 1850s when he was an army officer. Tolstoy fought in the bloody siege of Sebastopol during the Crimean War, a horrific experience that turned him from a regular soldier into a pacifist. A decisive event took place in 1857, when he witnessed a public execution by guillotine in Paris. He never forgot the severed head thumping into the box below. It convinced him of the belief that the state and its laws were not only brutal, but served to protect the interests of the rich and powerful. He wrote to a friend, "The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens...Henceforth, I shall never serve any government anywhere." Tolstoy was on his way to becoming an anarchist. His criticisms of the tsarist regime in Russia became so vociferous that only his literary fame saved him from imprisonment. Tolstoy would be the first to encourage us to question the fundamental beliefs and dogmas we have been brought up with.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

End Game Exotica 2.28.2014

I have a scoop on something normally reserved for paid listeners. Let me know if you want them to keep coming. This one was titled NeoCon War Drums .. AGAIN!


Radio Free Northwest 3.6.2014

HAC on the Ukraine, George Lincoln Rockwell, and long, soulful letters; Gretchen on Adolf Hitler the artist and Lord Lucan on trade unionism, plus part two of the Gerald L.K. Smith speech from last week


The Insurgent Radio 3.1.2014

Snow is melted up in northern Indiana. Tommy gives his insight on the Ukraine saga. News and commentary.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

On a shrink and a prayer

The world increasingly makes no sense. It is awash in lies, financial scams and false flag murder. That everyone has not gone completely insane already is a miracle in itself, given the environmental and behavioral incentives to do so.

Read the rest here:
John Kaminski

The Insurgent Radio 2.28.2014

TT wants money. I'm paid till the end of march. Enjoy these while they last. He wants 20 a month for subscription privileges and says our experiment isn't working for him. He said he has yet to receive any new subscriptions. Says that y'all are cheap as the swej.
What say ye? RJ


Monday, March 3, 2014

Da Dik Dik show 3.2.2014

Wondering what is going on in the White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity Movements? This is where to find out. Uncensored and frank analysis. Explicit language. Hosted by: DickReltney
Disclaimer: for wintertainment purposes. 


Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Insurgent Radio 2.27.2014

TT shares a story sent in by DC SCOUT.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Our German Ancestry 12.27.2013

Hate For Jews Is Love For Humanity.

Rob's Talkshoe