Saturday, August 30, 2014

George Galloway Attacked in the Street over Israel Remarks

Life Finds a Way

Henry Kissinger on the Assembly of a New World Order

The concept that has underpinned the modern geopolitical era is in crisis


Libya is in civil war, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan's young democracy is on the verge of paralysis. To these troubles are added a resurgence of tensions with Russia and a relationship with China divided between pledges of cooperation and public recrimination. The concept of order that has underpinned the modern era is in crisis.
The search for world order has long been defined almost exclusively by the concepts of Western societies. In the decades following World War II, the U.S.—strengthened in its economy and national confidence—began to take up the torch of international leadership and added a new dimension. A nation founded explicitly on an idea of free and representative governance, the U.S. identified its own rise with the spread of liberty and democracy and credited these forces with an ability to achieve just and lasting peace.

This is a very revealing article from one of the architects. The rest here.

Word of the Day: SPECULATIVE


adjective \ˈspe-kyə-lə-tiv, -ˌlā-\
: based on guesses or ideas about what might happen or be true rather than on facts
: tending to think about what might happen or be true : tending to speculate
: showing curiosity or uncertainty

First Known Use of SPECULATIVE

14th century

Friday, August 29, 2014

Word of the Day: DIALECTIC


noun \ˌdī-ə-ˈlek-tik\
philosophy : a method of examining and discussing opposing ideas in order to find the truth

1 :  logic 1a(1)
2 a :  discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation; specifically :..

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Word of the Day: NON SEQUITUR

non se·qui·tur

noun \ˈnän-ˈse-kwə-tər also -ˌtr\
: a statement that is not connected in a logical or clear way to anything said before it

Examples of NON SEQUITUR

  1. We were talking about the new restaurant when she threw in some non sequitur about her dog.
  2. BnC’s statement and comments about his 2009 Flickr account  have all been non sequitur.
  3. The attacks on women in “super-troofer” chatango chatrooms are usually non sequitur.
Full Definition

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Judicial Watch Statement on Discovery of Backups for “Missing” Lois Lerner IRS Emails

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced the following developments in the IRS’ missing emails investigation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated:
Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe.

Word of the Day: SEQUITUR


noun \ˈse-kwə-tər, -ˌtr\

Definition of SEQUITUR

:  the conclusion of an inference :  consequence

Examples of SEQUITUR

  1. <a reasonable sequitur from that announcement is that you’ll be leaving the company>

Origin of SEQUITUR

Latin, it follows, 3d person singular present indicative of sequi to follow — more at sue
First Known Use: 1836

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Are we alone in the universe?

Word of the Day: PARADIGM


noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdīm, ˈpa-rə- also -ˌdim\
: a model or pattern for something that may be copied
: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about

Origin of PARADIGM

Late Latin paradigma, from Greek paradeigma, from paradeiknynai to show side by side, from para- + deiknynai to show — more at diction
First Known Use: 15th century

Monday, August 25, 2014

Word of the Day: PANACEA

Full Definition of PANACEA

:  a remedy for all ills or difficulties :  cure-all
pan·a·ce·an adjective

Examples of PANACEA

  1. The law will improve the lives of local farmers, but it is no panacea.
  2. <a woman who seems to believe that chicken soup is a panacea for nearly everything>

Origin of PANACEA

Latin, from Greek panakeia, from panakēs all-healing, from pan- + akos remedy
First Known Use: 1548



Sunday, August 24, 2014

“The Russian Aggression Prevention Act” (RAPA): A Direct Path to Nuclear War with Russia

 The Russian Aggression Prevention Act”, introduced to Congress by U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), will set the US on a path towards direct military conflict with Russia in Ukraine.
Any US-Russian war is likely to quickly escalate into a nuclear war, since neither the US nor Russia would be willing to admit defeat, both have many thousands of nuclear weapons ready for instant use, and both rely upon Counterforce military doctrine that tasks their military, in the event of war, to preemptively destroy the nuclear forces of the enemy. The rest here.

Word of the Day: LIBERAL


adjective \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\
: believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism
Liberal : of or belonging to the liberal political party in countries like Canada and the United Kingdom
: not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted


noun \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\
: a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change : a person who is politically liberal
Liberal : a member or supporter of a liberal political party in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada

Saturday, August 23, 2014

I do what I want. :)

WPR 8.23.2014

Word of the Day: PRIDE


noun \ˈprīd\
: a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people
: a feeling that you are more important or better than other people
: a feeling of happiness that you get when you or someone you know does something good, difficult, etc.


prid·ed  prid·ing
transitive verb
:  to indulge (as oneself) in pride

Read all 7 Definitions here 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Word of the Day: ALLIANCE


noun \ə-ˈlī-ən(t)s\
: a union between people, groups, countries, etc. : a relationship in which people agree to work together
: the state of being joined in some activity or effort : the state of being allied
: a group of people, countries, etc., that are joined together in some activity or effort

First Known Use of ALLIANCE

14th century

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Meanwhile in the real world

While the ALS ice bucket challenge goes viral and everyone is having a good laugh........ At least 10 Palestinians, including six members of one family, lost their lives in an overnight attack on their homes in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza
read here:

Word of the Day: OBLIVION


noun \ə-ˈbli-vē-ən, ō-, ä-\
: the state of something that is not remembered, used, or thought about any more
: the state of being unconscious or unaware : the state of not knowing what is going on around you
: the state of being destroyed

Origin of OBLIVION

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin oblivion-, oblivio, from oblivisci to forget, perhaps from ob- in the way + levis smooth — more at ob-, levigate
First Known Use: 14th century

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Zionism is Terrorism

“The West worked to destroy the region and spread terrorism and fear, employing armed terrorist organizations and giving them direct and unlimited support in service of the goals of Zionism,” the Syrian deputy foreign minister said
more here:

Word of the Day: CONJECTURE


noun \kən-ˈjek-chər\
: an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence


verb \kən-ˈjek-chər\
: to form an opinion or idea without proof or sufficient evidence


Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin conjectura, from conjectus, past participle of conicere, literally, to throw together, from com- + jacere to throw — more at jet
First Known Use: 14th century

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Word of the Day: AMNESTY


noun \ˈam-nə-stē\
: a decision that a group of people will not be punished or that a group of prisoners will be allowed to go free

Origin of AMNESTY

Greek amnēstia forgetfulness, from amnēstos forgotten, from a- + mnasthai to remember — more at mind
First Known Use: 1580

Monday, August 18, 2014

Fergeson, MO 8-18-2014 RIP

It's all bullshit all the time

Rather than allow President Obama to assume a “real” presidential office, sources now tell that “handlers” who, with the help of Vice President Cheney, kept George W. Bush medicated and sober as possible, directed him to facilitate efforts that would guarantee that no subsequent American president would ever be able to enact policies unfavorable to Israel or powerful criminal interests.
 Well this explains a lot doesn't it?
read here:

Dangrous Western lies provoke wars

The Western media fell in step with Washington and blamed the downed Malaysian airliner on Russia. No evidence was provided. In its place the media used constant repetition. Washington withheld the evidence that proved that Kiev was responsible. The media’s purpose was not to tell the truth, but to demonize Russia.
read more here:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

BDS israel will work.

 Dockworkers in the International Longshore Warehouse Union (ILWU) have announced that they will join with community members and pro-Palestinian activists to blockade the Israeli cargo vessel called "the Zim" anywhere it attempts to dock in the US or Canada.
read here:

Word of the Day: CULPABLE


adjective \ˈkəl-pə-bəl\
: deserving blame : guilty of doing something wrong

Examples of CULPABLE

  1. They held her culpable for the accident.
  2. He’s more culpable than the others because he’s old enough to know better.
  3. Israel is culpable of their crimes against humanity.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thanks EL - WR :)

Feces > israel

The Israeli regime has killed nearly 2,000 Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip in its latest military aggression – atrocities that have eventually made the UN to form an international commission of inquiry into war crimes and human rights violations by Tel Aviv.
read more here:

Word of the Day: PRESTIGIOUS


adjective \pre-ˈsti-jəs, -ˈstē- also prə-\

Definition of PRESTIGIOUS

1: archaic :  of, relating to, or marked by illusion, conjuring, or trickery
2:  having prestige :  honored
pres·ti·gious·ly adverb
pres·ti·gious·ness noun


Latin praestigiosus, from praestigiae
First Known Use: 1546
More here


Ultimate Irony

 A 91-year-old Dutch man who was awarded a prestigious honor by the State of israel for his family's role in saving a Jewish child from the Holocaust has returned his prize after six of his relatives were killed in Gaza.
read about irony here:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Unsubstantiated claims once again from "journalists" 

More bullshit and innuendo from western "journalists". If the Ukraine army destroyed numerous vehicles in a Russian armoured column where are the damned films or photos? How was this confirmed? This steady stream of highly inflammatory rhetoric and lies should make it clear to any objective observer that facts are insignificant to those determined to drag us to WWIII.

Where is the alternative media on this now?

The convenience store video reveals Michael Brown entering the store followed by Johnson. Brown hands a box of Swisher Sweets to Johnson. Brown took several boxes of cigars and turned to leave the store. “Brown grabbed the clerk and “forcefully pushed him back into a display rack.”
 And here are photos of the robbery at the convenience store with a suspect who was identified as “Big Mike” Brown. Source.

Yesterday many alternative media outlets jumped on the same bandwagon with the MSM and condemned Ferguson police without knowing the facts in this matter. 
This should make them realize that even they can easily be caught up in the hysteria and propaganda which they claim "sheep" subscribe to.  But are they admitting this "gentle giant" now appears to have been nothing more than a thug? Hell no! Crow, no matter how well seasoned is still unpalatable. 
Shame on all the news outlets who convict in the court of public ( mob) opinion.  

Word of the Day: PETRODOLLARS

Definition of ‘Petrodollars’

The money earned from the sale of oil. The term “petrodollars” was coined when the price of oil rose sharply in the 1970s. It resurfaced in the new millennium, when prices rose once again. Although petrodollars initially referred primarily to money that Middle Eastern countries and members of OPEC received, the definition has broadened in recent years.
Continue Reading

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thomas the Tank Engine by Banksy

Putin Says The Petrodollar Must Die, "The Dollar Monopoly In Energy Trade Is Damaging Russia's Economy"

On one hand, despite initial weakness following Europe's triple-dip red alert, futures declined only to surge higher after some headline or another out of Russia was again spun to suggest imminent Ukraine de-escalation (something which Russia whose only interest is to keep crude prices high, has absolutely zero interest in), perpetuating a rumor which was set off by a Russian media outlet tweet last week that has sent S&P futures over 50 higher in less than a week on... nothing.
On the other, Putin just said the following, which no matter how one spins it, shows precisely how Russia is inclined vis-a-vis future (un-de-counter) escalations.
Reuters adds:

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia should aim to sell its oil and gas for roubles globally because the dollar monopoly in energy trade was damaging Russia's economy.
"We should act carefully. At the moment we are trying to agree with some countries to trade in national currencies," Putin said during a visit to the Crimea region, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine earlier this year.
Countries such as China, India, Iran, Brazil, and virtually every other non-insolvent, that is to say "developed, Western" country.
And now, bring on the Russian "isolation" (which is about to push Europe, not Russia, into a triple-dip recession) and further de-escalation. Source.

Here’s the Real Problem with the Riots in St. Louis


  Here’s what’s wrong with the riots in Ferguson: If the community, rather than rioting and looting their own town, going as far as burning down businesses, simply commented on how America is slowly – or even not that slowly – turning into a police state, I believe the whole country would rally behind Ferguson and we could begin an honest national dialogue about something that’s becoming a very real problem.
Police are trained – at least ostensibly – to resort to the least serious form of force, moving up the theoretical ladder from fists to batons to tasers, for example, before deciding to pull out their guns. And if they do feel the need to use their weapons, they are supposed to shoot to injure before shooting to kill.
It seems to me, at least, that neither side is telling the real story here. I find it very hard to believe that Brown was simply walking down the street minding his own business when a cop decided to harass him for absolutely no reason before deciding that he needed to kill the teen in cold blood.
I also find it very hard to believe that the police officer absolutely needed to shoot-to-kill an 18-year-old who was unarmed.
We may never find out exactly what transpired that night, but I’d venture to guess that we won’t hear the full truth in either side’s testimony.
Full article  here.

In the Time of the Shadow Bankers

US Corporate Tax ‘Inversions’ and the New Global Finance Capital Elite

This elite is deepening its control of nonfinancial companies and are increasingly directing those companies increasingly toward profits growth from financial manipulation as the primary corporate activity—in this case ‘inversions’ and corporate mergers and acquisitions activity.
Instead of making profits by making real things that require real investment and the employ real people, the focus of global capitalism is increasingly toward more financial asset investment—i.e. investment that produces even quicker, more lucrative profits growth than old fashioned ‘real’ investment that makes things that creates jobs and income for people to buy the things.
Global capitalism is growing progressively less interested in making things for profit than it is in generating forms of money capital as profit. Those engaged in financial asset investment (i.e. financial elite) are therefore accruing an ever larger share of global income and wealth for themselves, while those who were once participating in investment producing goods are finding their share of income in steady relative decline.
Global shadow banks now control more than $70 trillion in investible assets, according to such ‘radical’ sources as the Financial Times global periodical. And very high net worth investors, about 200,000 individuals worldwide with annual income flows of $30 million or more from existing assets—i.e. the new global finance capital elite—now own close to half of that $70 trillion in investible assets. And their assets are projected to rise another $10 trillion by 2017.
The rest of this very important information  here.

I boycott israel

Surprise surprise........

 White House and State Department officials were surprised last month when they learned that the Israeli military had been moving on separate tracks to replenish supplies of ammunition being used in Gaza and also lobby American lawmakers for more funds
read more here:

Word of the Day: AUTONOMY


noun \-ˈtä-nə-mē\
: the state of existing or acting separately from others
: the power or right of a country, group, etc., to govern itself
plural  au·ton·o·mies

Examples of AUTONOMY

  1. a teacher who encourages individual autonomy
  2. The territory has been granted autonomy. (tell that to the Palestinians)
Full Definition and More Examples

Boycott Divest and Sanction zionism

“We’re going to be attempted to disrupt Israeli commerce in any way we can until the occupation ends, until Israel’s apartheid policies are ended,” Garrick Ruiz with Boycott, Divest and Sanction Los Angeles told Press TV
Read here:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Word of the Day: WHITE

Full Definition of WHITE

1a :  free from color
 b :  of the color of new snow or milk; specifically :  of the color white
 c :  light or pallid in color <white hair> <lips white with fear>
 d :  lustrous pale gray :  silvery; also :  made of silver
2a :  being a member of a group or race characterized by light pigmentation of the skin
 b :  of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of white people or their culture
 c [from the former stereotypical association of good character with northern European descent] :  marked by upright fairness <that’s mighty white of you>

Origin of WHITE

Middle English, from Old English hwīt; akin to Old High German hwīz white and probably to Old Church Slavic světŭ light, Sanskrit śveta white, bright
First Known Use: before 12th century

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Word of the Day: TERRIFIC

Full Definition of TERRIFIC

1a :  very bad :  frightful
 b :  exciting or fit to excite fear or awe <a terrific thunderstorm>
2:  extraordinary <terrific speed>
3:  unusually fine :  magnificent <terrific weather>
ter·rif·i·cal·ly adverb

Origin of TERRIFIC

Latin terrificus, from terrēre to frighten
First Known Use: 1667

Monday, August 11, 2014

Think about this for a minute ...

Word of the Day: DECIMATE


verb \ˈde-sə-ˌmāt\
: to destroy a large number of (plants, animals, people, etc.)
: to severely damage or destroy a large part of (something)
dec·i·mat·ed  dec·i·mat·ing

Origin of DECIMATE

Latin decimatus, past participle of decimare, from decimus tenth, from decem ten
First Known Use: 1660

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Word of the Day: EVISCERATE


verb \i-ˈvi-sə-ˌrāt\
: to take out the internal organs of (an animal)
evis·cer·at·ed  evis·cer·at·ing

Examples of EVISCERATE

  1. <the ancient Egyptians would eviscerate the bodies of the dead as part of the process of mummifying them>


Latin evisceratus, past participle of eviscerare, from e- + viscera viscera
First Known Use: 1599

Friday, August 8, 2014

America assumes the position

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked a delegation of US lawmakers who were visiting Tel Aviv to help his regime dodge war crime charges related to Israel's current aggression on the Gaza Strip.
read and vomit here:

Shoppers Use App To Boycott Israel In Grocery Store Aisles

Today, more than a year since the app first gained ground, Buycott’s fastest-growing campaigns are those allowing shoppers to avoid products deemed to support Israel.
As the Israel-Gaza conflict has intensified in recent days, Buycott has seen a surge in users joining groups with names like ‘Avoid Israeli Settlement Products’ and ‘Long Live Palestine Boycott Israel.’

More Information and the Full Story

Word of the Day: ENERVATE


adjective \i-ˈnər-vət\

Definition of ENERVATE

:  lacking physical, mental, or moral vigor :  enervated

First Known Use of ENERVATE



verb \ˈe-nər-ˌvāt\
: to make (someone or something) very weak or tired
en·er·vat·ed  en·er·vat·ing

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Terrorist bibi

Gaza conflict: 360-degree panorama of flattened town of Khuza'a, Gaza

A special 360 camera captures the impact Israeli air strikes and tanks on Khuza'a, Gaza ahead of Tuesday's 72-hour ceasefire

Devastation wrought by an earlier bombardment of Khuza'a, a small farming town less than half-a-mile from Gaza's south-eastern border with Israel, is plain to see.
A furious assault that residents say began on July 20 levelled much of Khuza'a - leaving whole streets flattened, once-grand mosque domes reduced to ground level and the local council's "Bon Voyage Khusa'a" sign lying crumpled in bits like an unfortunate joke at the town entrance

Click here to see the panoramic view of devastation

Word of the Day: SUCCOTASH


noun \ˈsə-kə-ˌtash\
: a dish consisting of corn and lima beans that are cooked together

Full Definition of SUCCOTASH

:  lima or shell beans and kernels of green corn cooked together


Narragansett msíckquatash boiled corn kernels
First Known Use: 1751

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shame on the USA

The Pentagon says it will not stop arming Israel even if halting the provision of arms could urge the Tel Aviv regime to remain committed to a cease-fire with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.
read more here.

Monsanto Ordered to Pay $93M for Poisoning Town

Big wins can happen in small places.
The West Virginia State Supreme Court finalized a big blow to the biotech giant Monsanto this month, finishing a settlement causing Monsanto to pay $93 million to the tiny town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning citizens with Agent Orange chemicals.
The settlement was approved last year, but details were worked out only weeks ago as to how the funds were to be spent.

Read the full Article here

Senator David Norris" Israel bombs first and weeps later".

 Sen. David Norris actually makes sense. Please listen...

Word of the Day: Boycott


verb \ˈbi-ˌkät\
: to refuse to buy, use, or participate in (something) as a way of protesting : to stop using the goods or services of (a company, country, etc.) until changes are made

Origin of BOYCOTT

Charles C. Boycott †1897 English land agent in Ireland who was ostracized for refusing to reduce rents
First Known Use: 1880

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Word of the Day: Diverge


verb \də-ˈvərj, dī-\
: to split and move out in different directions from a single point
: to be or become different
di·verged  di·verg·ing

Monday, August 4, 2014

Word of the Day: Conspiracy/Conspire


noun \kən-ˈspir-ə-sē\
: a secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal
: the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal


verb \kən-ˈspī(-ə)r\
: to secretly plan with someone to do something that is harmful or illegal
: to happen in a way that produces bad or unpleasant results
Complete Definition

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Word of the Day: TOLERANCE


noun \ˈtä-lə-rən(t)s, ˈtäl-rən(t)s\
: willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own
: the ability to accept, experience, or survive something harmful or unpleasant
medical : your body’s ability to become adjusted to something (such as a drug) so that its effects are experienced less strongly

Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers


Word of the Day: PROSCRIBE


verb \prō-ˈskrīb\
: to make (something) illegal : to not allow (something)
pro·scribed  pro·scrib·ing


Latin proscribere to publish, proscribe, from pro- before + scribere to write — more at scribe
First Known Use: 1560

Friday, August 1, 2014

Gaza: The IDF Explains Itself


Word of the Day: FULSOME


adjective \ˈfl-səm\
: expressing something (such as praise or thanks) in a very enthusiastic or emotional way

Usage Discussion of FULSOME

The senses shown above are the chief living senses of fulsome. Sense 2, which was a generalized term of disparagement in the late 17th century, is the least common of these. Fulsome became a point of dispute when sense 1, thought to be obsolete in the 19th century, began to be revived in the 20th. The dispute was exacerbated by the fact that the large dictionaries of the first half of the century missed the beginnings of the revival. Sense 1 has not only been revived but has spread in its application and continues to do so. The chief danger for the user of fulsome is ambiguity. Unless the context is made very clear, the reader or hearer cannot be sure whether such an expression as fulsome praise is meant in sense 1b or in sense 4.