Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mark Glenn scores a touchdown!

What was that thing you said, Abe Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League? You know, that really dramatic thing you said in the speech you recently made in Palm Beach, where you blamed the internet for the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’ around the world, and how you couldn’t remember ever being so ‘seriously concerned about the safety and security’ of your grandson because of it?
Well, what do you know, Abe…miracles do exist. There is actually something upon which you and I can agree. You see, I too have never been so afraid for the future of my progeny, and the source of my worry also stems from the recent rise in anti-Semitism.
No, Abe, I am not Jewish, thank God, for if I were then chances are better than not that I would find myself in the clutches of evil, conspiring men (such as you) who are always drumming up new ways of enriching and empowering themselves by getting their own people into trouble.
You see, the reason that I am alarmed at the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’ is because I am a real, living, flesh-and-blood-Semite Abe, unlike you and those for whom you presume to speak. As such, my children are also Semitic and–if I am so blessed–my grandchildren will be as well.
Do not let my non-Semitic-sounding name fool you. There is more ‘Semitism’ in one of my eyelashes than what you and your people could possibly dream of possessing in your wildest, most uninhibited fantasies. My relatives came from the Middle East, unlike yours which came from the ghettos of either Europe or Russia. My relatives are the ancient Filasteens and Phoenicians whereas yours (and those of 95% of the world’s Jewish people) came from the ancient kingdom of Khazaria in southern Russia. My skin is dark and my eyes are dark and almond-shaped, unlike your features which are fair and white in appearance. I grew up hearing dialects of the Aramaic language that was spoken by Jesus and his apostles and I ate the food that has been part of that region for thousands of years.
Your people on the other hand grew up with absolutely nothing that can connect you with the language, food or–more importantly–the customs of the region, which traditionally have been those of accommodation, hospitality, cooperation and concern for fellow man.
So you see, Abe, you and your fellow travelers are not Semites in even the most remote sense, which is just one of the many reasons your presence has been rejected in the same Middle East that you invaded a century ago. You are foreigners–and even more important–collectively you are like a hostile virus that the real Semitic body–in order to protect itself–is trying to vomit out. You ‘fit in’ with the Semitic environment as well as a fish does in a bird’s nest. This business of your people being ‘Semites’ is a lie that you have foisted upon the world in order to buy (steal) political advantages that you cannot get through normal channels that are legal, fair or righteous, and you know this all too well. Attributing the hostility of the real Semitic peoples in the Middle East to the presence of haughty, obnoxious, violent, rapacious, thieving people such as you in their land is like the Europeans accusing the indigenous peoples of America who warred against them of being ‘Anti-American’.
The ugly truth is that ‘Anti-Semitism’ is a term that you have absconded for yourselves, but in reality–when applied to you–it is a fraud, and on several levels. The proper term that should be used in describing what seems to be the never-ceasing state of ‘woes me’ for the Jewish people–whether those woes are to be found in the Middle East or wherever,–is ‘anti-Jewish’ or ‘anti-Judaistic’.
But you can’t allow that to be said, now can you Abe? No, you can’t. It’s like calling the hellish process of chopping up an unborn baby ‘murder’ or ‘infanticide’–it’s too precise, too honest, and it conjures up too many mental images that cause the human soul to revolt against it, and so it has to be renamed something sterile and misleading such as ‘termination of pregnancy’.
Likewise, you cannot say ‘anti-Jewish’ when describing the organic hostility that exists on the part of a growing number of people around the world against you and your agenda because it is too precise and not confusing enough. Deception is the main weapon in your arsenal, something which you and your people proudly state in the motto of your intelligence agency Mossad and its various counterparts, including your own ADL. You may have fooled a good number of people around the world with this shell game you are operating that uses confusing, technical language, but I–as well as a growing number of others around the world–have your number.
No, the real reason that you have to blame all of this ‘poisecution’ on anti-Semitism is because you need to distract people from what the real causes of the troubles are. You see, you can’t say ‘anti-Jewish’ because then people might begin to realize that ‘being Jewish’ is not a racial thing any more than is being Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever. Being ‘Jewish’ is a mindset and the behavior that accompanies it, and what this means is that it is fair game for scrutiny and criticism, just as it should be. Obviously you and your ‘peeps’ feel this way, given your demonstrated willingness to do it on about a hundred million billion occasions in viciously attacking the religious precepts of Christians and Muslims. By comparison, consider this–What Christian is permitted to claim some kind of racial qualification for himself in order to justify his behavior? Likewise with any Muslim, any Hindu, Buddhist or whoever.
No, only you Jews are allowed to do this, which is just another characteristic of what ‘being Jewish’ is all about, which can be summed up simply with the following statement–
‘Screw you, we can do whatever we want, and don’t you inferior Gentiles utter a word of complaint about it, or else.’
More than that though, what you and your cohorts seem to fear by using the more-appropriate term of ‘anti-Jewish’ in describing the fever that is being raised in the body of mankind is that the amnesia that has gripped a good portion of the people of the Western world will wear off when they hear ‘anti-Jewish’ and then they will begin doing that thing that you and your agenda cannot afford to have take place, which is this–they will begin to remember.
Yes, when they begin the business of tracing their steps backwards, they will see that in instance after instance throughout the history of ‘poisecution’ for the Jewish people that there were perfectly explainable reasons and that they were and are inextricably tied to aberrant Jewish behavior.
More importantly though, they will remember what took place over 2,000 years ago in a tiny town known as Jerusalem, where your forefathers plotted and schemed and used all the magic they had in their black bag of dirty tricks to have an innocent man put to death who dared to speak out against the same kind of obnoxious, callous, haughty Jewish behavior that you yourselves exhibit today.
But as I said before, you can’t allow that, now can you Abe? No, the Jewish people and their historically-documented ugly behavior must remain blameless. The reason for the friction between them and non-Jewish people has to be blamed on ‘something else’, just another ‘false-flag’ operation for which the Jewish mindset is famous for creating.
And this is the reason why the spike in ‘anti-Semitism’ has to be blamed on the internet, doesn’t it Abe? No, the fact that the Jewish people of Israel and their agents spread throughout the Western world have murdered 250,000 innocent Palestinians, 2,000,000 Iraqis, tens of thousands of Lebanese, 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and that these ‘nice Jewish folks’ are now maneuvering the next phase of this Judaic war to take place against Iran has NOTHING to do with the ‘unfriendly’ feelings that are growing on the part of non-Jews towards Jews. The fact that the vitality of the Western world has been sapped dry through the vampiric Jewish stranglehold over its economic, political, cultural, religious, and academic sectors and the fact that you and your people BRAZENLY LIE about it has ABSOLTELY NO BEARING on this rise in anti-Jewish feelings.
I guess that innocent man your forefathers put to death was right after all…you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, or, as He put it, a leopard does not change its spots…You really don’t learn from history, do you? Even after 2,000 years of trying to implement that which is impossible and then dealing with the disaster that inevitably follows in its wake, you will still try…Using leaches to cure sickness and having a pile of dead bodies as proof that it is quackery is not enough to convince you that it is not a viable system…‘One more, time, just one more time, we KNOW it will work…it HAS to…’
No Abe, the internet is not to blame, and you know this. The reason why the Jewish people are (and have been) despised is because they have acted despicably. The reason non-Jews have possessed (and are now more and more possessing) an organic mistrust or dislike of Jews is similar to the reason sheep have an organic mistrust of wolves. You and the various other tentacles of this Zionist octopus have plunged the world into chaos and the rest of the world knows it all too well, even if certain sectors of the world–namely the Christian West–are slow to catch on. The fingerprints of you an the rest of the ‘boyz in da hood’ can be found all over the scene of the crime, and rather than admit your guilt, you have to make the ridiculous claim that someone else with identical fingerprints came and did this thing and did it all to frame you and the reason for doing it was this thing known as ‘anti-Semitism’ and that the internet is being used to facilitate it.
So I guess what you are really saying between the lines is that the internet has to be shut down, is that right? In the same way as free speech is illegal in certain parts of the world whenever Jews and their agenda are discussed in an intelligent, honest way, the internet also has to be regulated, and this is the reason why you and your vile, traitorous organization–ADL–is working feverishly with spineless lawmakers in the US to deny the American people their rights under the 1st Amendment?
But that has always been your way, hasn’t it Abe? Your forefathers tried to shut up John the Baptist when he warned the people about you, and when he refused to cooperate, you had him arrested and beheaded. Then it was Jesus, and we all know what happened to him, followed by Stephen, Paul, Peter and the others. And then of course, we cannot forget about what happened in those countries that fell victim to your Jewish cousins in Communist Russia and Eastern Europe, where the first law enacted was the one forbidding ‘anti-Semitic’ activity. In the meantime, thousands of priests were arrested and murdered, Christian churches were burned down or used for livestock stables and when it was all finished, the lives of 66 million people were erased. You just have to make felons out of all your enemies, and particularly those who tell the truth about you, as it is the only way you can win. Rather than change your behavior and learn to get along with others instead you have to nurse that criminal mindset and the accompanying criminal behavior that comes as a package deal with ‘being Jewish’.
You fear for the ‘safety and security’ of your grandson…what a sick joke Abe. Your grandson is already ‘protected’. When he comes of age, he will walk into a world of privilege and power, and if he gets himself into trouble and the other kids on the playground come after him because he cheated them out of something, he can flee to that nuclear-armed hideout custom-made for all the other Jewish crime lords, Israel.
In the meantime, I and my children live in a country where the daily debate is how imperative it is that the sand niggers and hajjis be wiped-out. The ‘chosen people’ of Israel have developed a form of biological warfare that is racially-discriminating against people of Arabic (Semitic) ethnicity, just more proof that the Jews are not Semitic. Everyday in America a real flesh-and-blood Semite is beat up or harassed and no one knows or does anything about it. On the contrary, those who are the principle cause of all this genuine anti-Semitism–meaning the non-semitic/anti-Semitic Jews who are blowing things up and blaming it on the real Semites–do so with impunity.
People are wrong about you, Abe, you and your cohorts. You are not a dual-loyalists. Your loyalty lies with your Jewish gang and with your Jewish ghetto, meaning Israel. As such, you have no loyalty to the people of America (or anywhere else for that matter) and therefore cannot be considered a traitor.
You are worse though, Abe, you and all the others with whom you work in tandem. You are a spy, working in the service of a hostile, foreign government responsible for perpetrating acts of war against the people of the United States and elsewhere, and as such you and all the others in your gang–AIPAC, JDL, WJC, JINSA et al–deserve to be treated as spies, which is to be executed–Publicly. And with as much pain as possible.
In the meantime, until that wonderful day arrives, you might as well get used to the rise in ‘Anti-Semitism’ as you disingenuously put it. As long as you and your people insist upon living in a state of war with everyone around you, you will be disliked, shunned, exiled, mistrusted, and despised, just as your forefathers have been in every locale they have gone.
2007 Mark Glenn

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hagel Confirmed, but Bloodied by American Nationalists Seeking Wars & World Dominance

The GOP senators have their own foreign policy, and it isn’t the same as that of President Obama or Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.
For them, the US is a 900 pound behemoth that can boss the world around with its high-tech military at will. Their foreign policy is to shoot first and ask questions later, to cowboy it all alone, to never have regrets and never question American supremacy. They believe in a civilizational hierarchy, with Americans at the top of it, and for some of them ‘Americans’ means white Americans.
They strongly supported the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq, and many opposed the 2011 US withdrawal from that country. McCain admitted that some of the pettiness toward Hagel derived from grudges over his break with George W. Bush: “There’s a lot of ill will toward Sen. Hagel because when he was a Republican, he attacked President Bush mercilessly, at one point said he was the worst president since Herbert Hoover, said the surge (of U.S. troops in Iraq) was the worst blunder since the Vietnam War, which is nonsense, and was anti-his own party and people.”
I think Herbert Hoover was a very fine president compared to George W. Bush, and so does McCain. That is, McCain privately agrees with Hagel on this issue, and is slamming him in part because he is guilty over his own inability to live up to his ideal of party loyalty. As for Bush’s war on Iraq, the crackpot notion that the entire enterprise was anything but an epochal failure that left hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead and millions displaced, and gave al-Qaeda a new lease on life, should be laughed out of the Senate.
The GOP Orcs have a further list of countries they’d like to invade and occupy. Senator Lindsey Graham added Pakistan to the list. Does anybody else in the known universe think it is a good idea for the US abruptly to go to war with the world’s sixth-largest country, which is a nuclear power, and which is backed by China? I mean, shouldn’t this man just be declared clinically insane and mercifully put in an institution instead of being allowed to strut the halls of power? ( South Carolina, by the way, has among the worst health statistics and the shortest life expectancy in the United States, so that you would think Sen. Graham might have other priorities than becoming a 21st century Lord Curzon.)
John McCain joked about bombing Iran. (A bomb strike on the nuclear enrichment facilities at Natanz near Isfahan would release massive amounts of toxins and likely kill 100,000 innocent civilians.)
The Senate in general is all for keeping several million Palestinians stateless and without basic civil and human rights, and for allowing the Israelis (many of them Americans or Eastern Europeans) to steal what’s left of Palestinian farmland. In the Senate’s racial hierarchy of power, Americans are on top, Arabs near the bottom, and Palestinians are in the toilet. The GOP senators are currently thinking up ways to punish the Palestinians for daring to assert their right to be citizens of a state at the UN.
Hagel’s ideas on foreign policy are pragmatic and cautious, and sane. The real reason that he had a hard ride in his confirmation was that the looney tunes Tea Partiers and Neoconservative dead-enders want to keep alive the insane options as long as they can, the dream of striding in camel boots and khaki through the halls of an abject Islamabad, the dream of reducing Iran to a less prosperous version of the Congo, the dream of erasing the Palestinians altogether, the dream of total and absolute global dominance.
Their sense of innate superiority makes them unable to look about a broken-down America, its treasury looted of trillions by crooked financiers, its 30,000 significantly wounded Iraq War veterans needing trillions in health care over the next decades, its bridges falling down, its school students illiterate in mathematics and science, its factory jobs shipped abroad by scheming corporations, its minorities increasingly denied the right to vote, and its industry spewing 5 billion metric tons of hothouse gases into the atmosphere annually, threatening to wipe out New Orleans and Manhattan with artificial sea level rises.
There is enough to do at home, without small men from small states dreaming of world conquest. Hagel knows this, and so they smeared him with their slime.
 source: (the informed comment) 

The zionist pig story

Asperatus Clouds Over New Zealand

pictures worthy of thousands of words. starting with "wow"

Dark legacy

Monday, February 25, 2013

Jaradat Was Tortured To Death, Autopsy Concludes

Palestinian Minister of Detainees, Issa Qaraqe’, reported on Sunday evening that the autopsy report of detainee Arafat Jardat, who died Saturday at an Israeli interrogation facility, revealed that the detainee died due to extreme torture.

In a joint press conference, held in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, with the head of the Palestinians Prisoners Society (PPS), Qaddoura Fares, Qaraqe’ said that the autopsy was conducted at the Abu Kabeer Forensic Facility.

The body of Jaradat carried clear signs of torture such as bruises, blisters and under skin blood clots in the back, especially over his spinal cord, on the neck and on his left shoulder, in addition to signs of torture on the left side of his chest, bruised mouth and face.

Qaraqe’ said that the autopsy also revealed that the slain detainee had a healthy heart, and healthy veins, in addition to the fact that there was no signs of a heart attack, an issue that contradicts the Israeli claim that Jaradat died of a heart attack.

Dr. Saber Al-Aaloul will release the comprehensive report to the public Monday, Qaraqe’ added.

The Minister of Detainees said that this is a war crime committed against the detainee, and added that Israel must be held accountable to its crimes.

Somebody That I Used to Know - Walk off the Earth (Gotye - Cover)

 A little something to enjoy. This is short and worth the time. A guitar being raped. 

Wake Up Call - Remastered Edition

A very educational must watch. Sorry its so long.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village of Qusra

 Makes me really angry the settlers are getting help from the IDF. The world cares? I don't think so....It's bad enough that the weapons are gifts from my country at my expense....

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jewish Multicultural Plan To Destroy Europe

Israeli settlers pump sewage into ancient Palestinian village

The Israeli settlement of Shafi Shamron, in the northern part of the West Bank, has routed its sewage pipes to dump directly into the historic village of Sabastiya, home to several thousand Palestinian families.
  The villages have filed a legal action in Israeli court against the settlement's sewage dumping, but say that they do not expect the court action to succeed, since Israeli courts are weighted in favor of Israelis.

Sabastiya is an ancient city located just 10 km north of Nablus, West Bank. Palestinians have continuously lived in this village for nearly 2,000 years. But just over ten years ago, Israeli settlers decided to establish a settlement colony on village land and claim the land for the state of Israel.

According to the International Solidarity Movement, “Sabastiya contains Canaanite, Israelite, Hellenistic, Herodian, Roman and Byzantine ruins as well as the tomb of John the Baptiste. The winding city streets along with its history make Sabastiya an ideal place to visit. Yet, as charming and beautiful as the old city is, the nearby Israeli settlement of Shafi Shamrom is making lives of Sabastiya’s residents very difficult: settlers uprooted olive trees, introduced wild boars into the environment to damage the land, and most recently, sewage has started leaking from the settlement flooding Palestinian fields.”

In 2001 settlers uprooted and destroyed around 1000 olive trees, substantially damaging the land of several families. In 2006 the army put up a fence in an attempt to confiscate the land where the trees had originally been. Sabastiya’s farmers pulled the fence down in a defiant act of resistance and since that time there have been no further attempts to install it again.

The most recent action on the part of illegal settlers of Shafi Shamron is pumping their raw, untreated sewage directly onto Palestinian fields. As the sewage is absorbed into the land, olive and apricot trees are rendered diseased and, according to the residents, “poisoned”. The flow of human waste begins from a pipe on the perimeter of the settlement, creating a sort of reservoir which then runs through the adjacent Palestinian fields, compelling each subsequent land owner to create a canal in order to drain the sewage water on to his neighbors land and further away.

All Israeli settlements are considered illegal under international law, and are a direct violation of past signed agreements between the Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids the transfer of civilian populations to an area occupied by a nation's military.

In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the number of settlers increased by 4.7% over the last year, in January 2013 the total number reached 360,000, compared to 343,000 at the same time last year.

 The same feeling overcomes me, Sick and tired of these crimes by illegal israeli terrorists 

Settlers Install New Outpost Near Nablus

On Friday at dawn, a group of armed extremist Israeli settlers installed a new illegal settlement outpost in Ras Hazem Mountain that belongs to the residents of Salem village, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.
Head of the Salem Village Council, Abdulkarim Hussein, stated that the settlers previously installed two mobile homes in the area, but on Friday they installed more than 10 other homes while Israeli bulldozers uprooted olive trees in the area.

Hussein added that the mountain is 400 Dunams of land owned by the villagers, and that the owners have all needed deeds and documents proving their ownership.

He further stated that the settlers seem to be planning to expand the Elon Moreh illegal settlement in the area, as they repeatedly expanded it on the expense of the Palestinians and their lands in the village and a number of nearby villages. 

 This makes me absolutely sick. I can't explain it any better. Sickening

a picture worth 1,000 words

Afghan Massacre The Convoy of Death

CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!

Friday, February 22, 2013

‘Americans must resist US policy on Iran’

coyote spotted

Sorry the picture is blurry, maybe next time I will get a better and clearer photo.  There is a highway at the top of the hill. Imagine this coyote is feeding on mice, rats, possum , squirrels, rabbits, feral cats and whatever carrion it can scrounge. It's secrets safe with me as long as it stays out of my yard.

Eastern Bluebird

I spotted and took the picture in early Feb this year

Invisible Empire

Israel 'officially allows' oil drilling in disputed Golan Heights

Israel has authorized drilling for oil on the disputed Golan Heights, local media report. The first license has been awarded to the US-Israeli energy company Genie (GNE).
The process of granting the license began following geological tests, which indicated a large potential oil discovery in the southern Golan Heights – an area of thousands of hectares. The license covers half the area of the Golan from the latitude of Katzrin in the north to Tzemach in the south.
Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, former US Vice-President Dick Cheney and banker Jacob Rothschild are among the shareholders of GNE, a New Jersey-based company. It is headed by Effie Eitam, a Golan settler and former hardline rightwing Israeli cabinet minister.
Genie Energy is the parent company of Israel Energy Initiatives Ltd. (IEI), which is moving forward on a venture to develop shale oil deposits in the coastal plain.
Another company which took part in the bid for the oil extraction license was local Ultra Equity Investments Ltd. Israel’s Ministry of Energy and Water Resources' Petroleum Council reportedly recommended awarding the license to Genie Energy for professional reasons several days ago.
Israel’s move, reported by Tel-Aviv’s Yediot Aharonot newspaper on Thursday, is likely to draw international protest.
"Awarding a drilling license on the Golan could cause an international fracas, given the Golan's status as occupied Syrian territory under international law," wrote business journal Globes.
Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Middle East Six-Day War and annexed it in 1981. The move wasn’t recognized by the international community, but the strategic plateau has been extensively settled by Israelis.
The Golan's status has been at the heart of past Israeli-Syrian peace talks, with Damascus demanding its full return. Oil exploration for the area was halted 20 years ago, as Israel hoped for a peace deal with Syria, but the accord is yet to be signed.
Permission for oil drilling on the Golan Heights was granted a month before US President Barack Obama is due to pay a visit to the Hebrew state. In November 2012, Washington swiftly condemned the move as unhelpful, ahead of a visit by Vice-President Joe Biden.

 This is typical for the thieving israeli scumbags.

Indiana Senate Passes NDAA Nullification, 31-17

INDIANAPOLIS (Feb. 21, 2013) – The Indiana Senate passed a bill that would block any attempts to detain people on Indiana soil without due process Thursday afternoon.
The Prohibition on Aiding the Enforcement of Unconstitutional Laws Act (SB400) passed 31-17. All but one Senate Democrat reportedly voted against the bill, with six Republicans joining the dissent.
If the bill becomes law, a “state actor may not investigate, prosecute, or detain any person lawfully in Indiana under a state or federal law that the state actor knows or reasonably should know deprives a person of life, liberty, or property without a fair proceeding in violation of the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution or the Due Course of Law Clause of the Constitution of the State of Indiana.”

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOW have a look at this.

Sure, it could be a coincidence.....This album first came out in 1979

Sunday, February 17, 2013

quotes from Whiteriot

 Look fucking well watch the following. Understand what you seem to 'know' about Christianity appears to me what Hollywood and jewish media have been telling our children Christianity is. Hence all the bollocks about the Spanish Inquisition, it seems you believe the version that jews have been telling us.
 They killed Christ, so man created the church to make sure the gullible people remained strong gainst jewry, it was a primitive vehicle to train our youth into following simple rules to build a society
 This society is in its 2013th year
 The education system in the West has been subverted utterly for the past 70 years since we all lost WWII to jewry
  I am simply reminding you that I know a great many Christian warriors, who are not only useful to our fight, but damn well necessary
 How are you to understand the gravity of the issue with world jewry if you never understood the biblical proportions of our problem
 "Christian Warriors - what an oxymoron! " Okay I'm dealing with children here
  If you dissmiss the efforts of our ancestors with infantile mocking like that, then what is the point
 you disagree that 109 times in the past Christianity was 'used' as a tool to bring about unity and overthrown jews from our land. thats 109 times more than our nihilistic self-serving soulless brethren
 The trouble is, kids brought up with no faith are weaker in all areas than those with faith

Friday, February 15, 2013

9/11 what really happened

 This is the main video that made me take a closer look at zionism. Amazing must watch and pay attention. Enjoy

Meteor hits Russia

 WOW! A meteorite exploding across the skies is quite an unusual wakeup call – many people in the Russian Urals region woke up to this sight on Friday morning. The powerful blast smashed windows and rattled houses, causing widespread panic.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Operation Slaveship

 Just have a look at the names of the owners. Quite telling who the slaveship owners were. 3 guesses and the first 2 dont count.

The century of the self

 Thanks for the link Scorpio

Truth is no defense

Charles Giuliani 2.14.2013

If the world only new

Have a listen

The people and the 2nd amendment

 I'm guessing these guys have not seen what they did in Panama?......Apache gunships verses rifles. I'm all for the 2nd but I also know that this government will kill us all before they give up the reins.

here is law and order in the USA

 I know what to think...

the Panama deception

I am very dissapointed in the criminals that run my country. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

History repeats itself when we don't learn

This will make you so damn mad

We sorely miss Dr. Pierce. RIP

Break time.

 Hope y'all enjoy this as much as I do.

Dose of reality

"In no part of the constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war or peace to the legislature and not to the executive department" James Madison

Another must watch


 Morality has taken a backseat ride. With the laws getting passed these days, it makes all the sense in the world that Something dark and sinister is on the horizon. We are not suppose to question the orthodox views and we are suppose to just trust the government to look after our best wishes. I can tell everyone reading this one thing. The government is never acting for our best benefit. They act only for those who fill the coffers of the re-election accounts.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ernst's struggle in Canada

Sorry Chuck but israel hates you

I didnt think he stood a snowballs chance in hell. After all he told the truth a few times. See ya Chuck, next zionist puppet please step up.

We're nuts


enjoy, i do

DWP last public speech

 The man had many good points.

Sing along outloud

Thank you Elton  I found this an excellent sing along song. Just let it rip everyone.

One great voice

thanks zap for reminding us of this great man with an outstanding voice.

The droning of the constitution and American citizens

The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen
There will be no trial. No due process.
No jury, no attorneys and no questions asked.
The “fundamental transformation” of America continues as Obama has vested in himself, the role of Judge, Jury and Executioner in Chief.
Today, the Dictator will “allow” Members of Congress a peek at HIS drone strategy because, John Brennan will go through his CIA confirmation hearing today as well. It’s an attempt to placate and he won’t be held to it.
The droning of al Awlaki was a trial balloon.
Now, according to a 16 page “leaked” memo, the president of the United States has the authority to kill those he believes to be an al Qaeda leader or affiliate leader in a foreign country.
“…the condition that an operation leader present an “imminent” threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future. Given the nature of, for example, the terrorist attacks on September 11, in which civilian airliners were hijacked to strike the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, this definition of imminence, which would require the United States to refrain from action until preparations for an attack are concluded, would not allow the United States sufficient time to defend itself.”
According to the above excerpt from the memo, an “imminent” threat does not even have to mean…Imminent.
Given that, does an al Qaeda “leader” mean a leader?
And what, exactly, is an “affiliate” officially?
The problem is, any…ANY president will hold the power of defining “imminent” and “leader” and “affiliate” as well as judging the intent, proximity and anything else including when to push the button to drone the offending party out of existence.
Obama and his henchman, Holder, have taken it upon themselves, sans consent of congress, to invest such immense and easily corrupted power in Obama but, don’t call him a Dictator.
The HELL I won’t.
Who BUT a Dictator would entrust HIMSELF with such an overreach of the Constitution?
Who BUT a Dictator would feel emboldened enough to decide without trial, jury or due process which citizens live or die?
Who BUT a DICTATOR would feel absolute power was his?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The memo outline 3 standards for the killing of an American citizen…Imminent threat which, as we know, doesn’t mean imminent. Engaged in terrorist activity and unable to be captured.
It should be NOTED HERE that these are NOT…I repeat…NOT regarded as “minimal legal requirements” for launching a lethal attack on an American Citizen. THERE ARE NO “MINIMAL LEGAL REQUIREMENTS.” None…None at all.
So…Imminent threat can mean whatever the Dictator deems it to be…Terrorist activity can be deemed whatever the Dictator deems IT is and cannot be captured means…Whatever the Dictator claims it is.
But the memo goes even deeper than this.
The memo also opens wide the door for the Dictator to engage troops…Boots on the ground and Intell, Special Ops…for the purpose of…
The Supreme Court has already rules that no president has the authority to name an American citizen as an enemy combatant for the purpose of incarceration so it’s seems a certainty that such measures, as outlined in the memo in question, would also be held unconstitutional.
It also follows that should a president have no use for the courts and due process, the same president would have no use for the Supreme Court or the Constitution.
Yesterday, it was al Awlaki, and Samir Khan on a Yemeni highway.
Then it was an American Teenager in Yeman who had NO connection to terrorism and was droned anyway.
Today, it’s any U.S. citizen on foreign soil who meets the criteria as defined by 1 man.
Tomorrow…Who will it be tomorrow and…Where?
Congressman Mike Doyle, a socialist from PA stated back in 2011: “We have negotiated with terrorists. This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”
He was talking about the Republicans in the house.
The Vice Dictator said: “They have acted like terrorists.”
Biden was upset over the Republicans during the debt ceiling debate.
In a report entitled: “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008,” complied by the University of Maryland with $12 MILLION DOLLARS of funding from Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security…the 1993 Trade Center bombing was not mentioned even ONCE however…
Those…- Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack…Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)…People who consider themselves “anti-global” (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty); Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”…Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty”…People who “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty” and People opposed to abortion…
And who can forget that the same Dictator who said of Conservatives, “…it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion…” is the exact same Dictator who just gave 20 F-16’s and 200 tanks to those who cling to their guns and Korans.
So…What will happen to the denoted “terrorists” on the list above?
Perhaps the better question is…What will become of those on the list above who the government is unable to capture and hold indefinitely without charges or trial?
We were told that Obama was not a tax.
It was.
We were told nobody making less than $250,000 would have THEIR taxes hiked.
That too was a lie.
We were told that the Dream Act couldn’t be initiated without congress.
It was.
We were told this would be THE most transparent administration ever.
It’s NOT.
Only those Americans deemed to be terrorists on FOREIGN soil will be droned.
The socialist ilk will label me a “fear monger” for this article but they would be droned wrong for doing so.
I am not a “fear monger” rather, I am a REALITY Monger as this is the world in which we now live and the questions about it we MUST ask.
Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, have always set us apart from the world’s despots and kept the exact sort of ultimate power exhibited by those we see overthrown in coups from being vested in any one man here.
This is no longer the case.
Yes, we’re talking about terrorists here. They want US dead even though they are American citizens and THAT does indeed make THEM the enemy but…
Did CONGRESS give this power to the Dictator? NO. Does CONGRESS have oversight on the decisions to drone these American citizens? NO. Are there ANY checks and balances? NO.
Today, our Dictator becomes the Despot by vesting in himself the very powers we, as a nation, have stood fought against since 1776…The ultimate power of life or death regarding an American citizen will rest with ONE person.
Regardless of party affiliation…Regardless of good intentions…Regardless of the vile nature of the target…Such power over life and death of any U.S. citizen despite their ideology, plans, actions or anti-American beliefs is far, FAR too much power for ANY one man and ONLY a Despot would entertain the idea OF it.

Sickning Hypocrisy

Eventually the world will see the USA as a tyrannical dictatorship and the population will suffer the most, just like Germany. RIP Germany.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Obama Gives Himself Permission To Kill by Andrew P. Napolitano

After stonewalling for more than a year federal judges and ordinary citizens who sought the revelation of its secret legal research justifying the presidential use of drones to kill persons overseas – even Americans – claiming the research was so sensitive and so secret that it could not be revealed without serious consequences, the government sent a summary of its legal memos to an NBC newsroom earlier this week.
This revelation will come as a great surprise, and not a little annoyance, to U.S. District Court Judge Colleen McMahon, who heard many hours of oral argument during which the government predicted gloom and doom if its legal research were subjected to public scrutiny. She very reluctantly agreed with the feds, but told them she felt caught in "a veritable Catch-22," because the feds have created "a thicket of laws and precedents that effectively allow the executive branch of our government to proclaim as perfectly lawful certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our Constitution and laws, while keeping the reasons for their conclusion a secret."
She was writing about President Obama killing Americans and refusing to divulge the legal basis for claiming the right to do so. Now we know that basis.
The undated and unsigned 16-page document leaked to NBC refers to itself as a Department of Justice white paper. Its logic is flawed, its premises are bereft of any appreciation for the values of the Declaration of Independence and the supremacy of the Constitution, and its rationale could be used to justify any breaking of any law by any "informed, high-level official of the U.S. government."
The quoted phrase is extracted from the memo, which claims that the law reposes into the hands of any unnamed "high-level official," not necessarily the president, the lawful power to decide when to suspend constitutional protections guaranteed to all persons and kill them without any due process whatsoever. This is the power claimed by kings and tyrants. It is the power most repugnant to American values. It is the power we have arguably fought countless wars to prevent from arriving here. Now, under Obama, it is here.
This came to a boiling point when Obama dispatched CIA drones to kill New Mexico-born and al-Qaida-affiliated Anwar al-Awlaki while he was riding in a car in a desert in Yemen in September 2011. A follow-up drone, also dispatched by Obama, killed Awlaki’s 16-year-old Colorado-born son and his American friend. Awlaki’s American father sued the president in federal court in Washington, D.C., trying to prevent the killing. Justice Department lawyers persuaded a judge that the president always follows the law, and besides, without any evidence of presidential law breaking, the elder Awlaki had no case against the president. Within three months of that ruling, the president dispatched his drones and the Awlakis were dead. This spawned follow-up lawsuits, in one of which McMahon gave her reluctant ruling.
Then the white paper appeared. It claims that if an American is likely to trigger the use of force 10,000 miles from here, and he can’t easily be arrested, he can be murdered with impunity. This notwithstanding state and federal laws that expressly prohibit non-judicial killing, an executive order signed by every president from Gerald Ford to Obama prohibiting American officials from participating in assassinations, the absence of a declaration of war against Yemen, treaties expressly prohibiting this type of killing, and the language of the Declaration, which guarantees the right to live, and the Constitution, which requires a jury trial before the government can deny that right.
The president cannot lawfully order the killing of anyone, except according to the Constitution and federal law. Under the Constitution, he can only order killing using the military when the U.S. has been attacked or when an attack is so imminent that delay would cost innocent lives. He can also order killing using the military in pursuit of a declaration of war enacted by Congress.
Unless Obama knows that an attack from Yemen on our shores is imminent, he’d be hard-pressed to argue that a guy in a car in the desert 10,000 miles from here – no matter his intentions – poses a threat so imminent to the U.S. that he needs to be killed on the spot in order to save the lives of Americans who would surely die during the time it would take to declare war on the country that harbors him, or during the time it would take to arrest him. Under no lawful circumstances may he use CIA agents for killing. Surely, CIA agents can use deadly force defensively to protect themselves and their assets, but they may not use it offensively. Federal laws against murder apply to the president and to all federal agents and personnel in their official capacities, wherever they go on the planet.
Obama has argued that he can kill Americans whose deaths he believes will keep us all safer, without any due process whatsoever. No law authorizes that. His attorney general has argued that the president’s careful consideration of each target and the narrow use of deadly force are an adequate and constitutional substitute for due process. No court has ever approved that. And his national security adviser has argued that the use of drones is humane since they are "surgical" and only kill their targets. We know that is incorrect, as the folks who monitor all this say that 11 percent to 17 percent of the 2,300 drone-caused deaths have been those of innocent bystanders.
Did you consent to a government that can kill whom it wishes? How about one that plays tricks on federal judges? How long will it be before the presidential killing comes home?

Feinstein Won’t Allow Anyone to Testify Against Brennan on Targeted Killings

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, will not allow anyone to testify against John Brennan’s nomination to head the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Brennan will be the only witness at tomorrow’s hearing.
In a letter to Feinstein, Ralph Nader and former Justice Department official Bruce Fein wrote that “experience teaches that the adversarial system is best calculated to discover the truth.”

“By refusing to entertain witnesses who would challenge Mr. Brennan’s nomination, you are impoverishing the public debate that should inform the confirmation process,” Nader and Fein wrote.
Fein said that he requested to testify “in person against the nomination because of Brennan’s notorious complicity in unconstitutional and criminal predator drone killings which combine prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner in a single person — the high water mark of tyranny in the view of the Constitution’s makers.”

“Brennan is unfit for office because he’s the brainchild behind unconstitutional and secret predator drone killings — both targeted and signature — in violation of due process,” Fein told Corporate Crime Reporter.
“What he’s doing is more egregious in the eyes of the law than the CIA assassination attempts revealed in Church hearings — Castro, Lumumba, Trujillo — that provoked an executive order prohibiting CIA assassinations,” Fein said.
“In secret organizations like the CIA, leaders unflaggingly devoted to the rule of law are urgently needed because customary checks and balances are at their low water mark.  Brennan cannot be trusted to adhere to rule of law.”

'Homeland' to Buy 22 Million MORE Rounds of Ammunition

Federal agency has now acquired enough bullets to wage 30 year war
The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.
A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.
The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).
The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).
An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities.
To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.
Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.
The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.
A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.
As we highlighted last month, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.
While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September, the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”

white house to stop releasing info about drone killings.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Thursday that the Obama administration will not be releasing any more information about the controversial use of drones to kill American citizens.

“This is not an open-ended process. This is a specific and unique accommodation in this circumstance. The fact is, when it comes to public disclosure, we have been — not with the kind of attention that’s been given it this week — but we have been publicly discussing these matters at the highest levels of government for the very reason that I’ve given, which is the President understands that these are core issues about how we conduct ourselves in war, how the President of the United States — any President — balances his constitutional obligation to protect America and American citizens, and his obligation to do so in a manner that is lawful under the Constitution and reflects our values.
“The President takes these issues very seriously, and he believes that the conversation about this is valid and that the questions about it are legitimate. And that’s why he has been leading this process internally to — as has John Brennan, by the way — to provide public information as much as possible, mindful of the fact that we are talking about here very sensitive matters, and that these kinds of things — they’re classification — information is classified for very legitimate reasons that go right to our national security interest.
“But within that, there is an effort underway to provide Congress information — those who have oversight over these matters — classified information as well as unclassified with the white paper and the public information as much as possible.”
Those comments by Carney follow the White House’s Wednesday evening decision to send Congress “classified legal advice” about the rationale for using drones against Americans, reported the Associated Press:

 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Obama has directed the Justice Department to give Congress’ intelligence committees access to classified legal advice providing the government’s rationale for drone strikes against American citizens working with al-Qaeda abroad, a senior administration official and Democratic lawmakers said Wednesday.
A drumbeat of demands to see the document has swelled on Capitol Hill in recent days as the Senate Intelligence Committee prepares to hold a confirmation hearing for John Brennan, who helped manage the drone program, to be CIA director.

source: daily caller 2-7-2013


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Must See Documentary

Imagine legal assassinations

Extrajudicial assassination

 The subject is key to the downfall of the republic. Twisting words, interpreting the constitution in favor of giving more and more power to the federal government. This kind of thing has happened before. The USA has been usurped by Israel with US tax dollars. They control every aspect of our society, they control government, and military. The mere mention of Israel's atrocity's is enough to be called an anti semite. In many country's it is actually illegal to talk about History because of a group of humans who are fanatically religious and believe that they alone are in favor of "God".
 Now these humans have taken control of the congress, the senate, the judicial, legislative and the executive branches of our country's government. They control not only the movie industry, the mass media and also local and most foreign media. They also control financial institutions, the supply of diamonds, gold, platinum, the list goes on and on. These humans even control the food supply and the pharmaceutical industry as well as the medical and law enforcement. I would venture to say that's almost a complete take over by a group of humans who don't even make up 1% of the worlds population and barely 2% of the US population. You could say devine intervention played a part. I wouldn't say anything like that. Generally it is criminal's and gangsters who are able to take control with such overwhelming completeness.
 There will be humans come here to my blog and attempt to defame or deface me. I will not waver in my insight and conscious. Reading is fundamental and it seems to be a dying skill in America. Watching movies and videos is very easy to do. Those who control the sheep's mindset, control the narrative. In other words, they can make up the rules. Anyone opposing the rules will be Droned. Enjoy

Sunday, February 3, 2013

RJ's introduction

Hello family, friends and the others. This blog will be something for me to voice my opinions and answer questions. I may link to video's I deem worthy of a watch or also might link to story's or others websites or blogs I deem worthy.

I first want to start by admitting that I am all over the place when it comes to my ramblings. The way I see things will inevitably be contradictory from the way others may perceive the same subject. I don't mind alternative views and I feel as though freedom to express ones opinion is very important. Feel free to correct me or point out hypocrisy's.
 If you're here to troll me then more power to ya. I feel as though if a person wants to waste his time trolling me then i will engage and attempt to discredit or defame said individual.
 Politics and religion should never have been mixed. But, since they have been for so long it's natural that the biggest scandals and harshest subjects generally stem from some sort of offspring of one or the other.
 I will discuss my thoughts on both religion and politics on a daily basis. May even contribute to this blog on a daily basis.
 The pictures I use for my profile photo's are not of myself, but of individuals who I respect. My actual photo would cause the ladies and gentlemen to cringe or revolt. So .. you're all welcome.
 I was raised in Indiana. The zionist, capitalist, bible pushing land of the lemming. I rejected all of it because of common sense equations and thought.   Here is an inspirational video to watch and listen. The story means more than whats obviously on the surface. Enjoy