What was that thing you said, Abe
Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League? You know, that really
dramatic thing you said in the speech you recently made in Palm Beach,
where you blamed the internet for the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’
around the world, and how you couldn’t remember ever being so ‘seriously
concerned about the safety and security’ of your grandson because of
Well, what do you
know, Abe…miracles do exist. There is actually something upon which you
and I can agree. You see, I too have never been so afraid for the
future of my progeny, and the source of my worry also stems from the
recent rise in anti-Semitism.
No, Abe, I am not
Jewish, thank God, for if I were then chances are better than not that I
would find myself in the clutches of evil, conspiring men (such as you)
who are always drumming up new ways of enriching and empowering
themselves by getting their own people into trouble.
You see, the
reason that I am alarmed at the recent rise in ‘anti-Semitism’ is
because I am a real, living, flesh-and-blood-Semite Abe, unlike you and
those for whom you presume to speak. As such, my children are also
Semitic and–if I am so blessed–my grandchildren will be as well.
Do not let my
non-Semitic-sounding name fool you. There is more ‘Semitism’ in one of
my eyelashes than what you and your people could possibly dream of
possessing in your wildest, most uninhibited fantasies. My relatives
came from the Middle East, unlike yours which came from the ghettos of
either Europe or Russia. My relatives are the ancient Filasteens and
Phoenicians whereas yours (and those of 95% of the world’s Jewish
people) came from the ancient kingdom of Khazaria in southern Russia. My
skin is dark and my eyes are dark and almond-shaped, unlike your
features which are fair and white in appearance. I grew up hearing
dialects of the Aramaic language that was spoken by Jesus and his
apostles and I ate the food that has been part of that region for
thousands of years.
Your people on
the other hand grew up with absolutely nothing that can connect you with
the language, food or–more importantly–the customs of the region, which
traditionally have been those of accommodation, hospitality,
cooperation and concern for fellow man.
So you see, Abe,
you and your fellow travelers are not Semites in even the most remote
sense, which is just one of the many reasons your presence has been
rejected in the same Middle East that you invaded a century ago. You are
foreigners–and even more important–collectively you are like a hostile
virus that the real Semitic body–in order to protect itself–is trying to
vomit out. You ‘fit in’ with the Semitic environment as well as a fish
does in a bird’s nest. This business of your people being ‘Semites’ is a
lie that you have foisted upon the world in order to buy (steal)
political advantages that you cannot get through normal channels that
are legal, fair or righteous, and you know this all too well.
Attributing the hostility of the real Semitic peoples in the Middle East
to the presence of haughty, obnoxious, violent, rapacious, thieving
people such as you in their land is like the Europeans accusing the
indigenous peoples of America who warred against them of being
The ugly truth is
that ‘Anti-Semitism’ is a term that you have absconded for yourselves,
but in reality–when applied to you–it is a fraud, and on several levels.
The proper term that should be used in describing what seems to be the
never-ceasing state of ‘woes me’ for the Jewish people–whether those
woes are to be found in the Middle East or wherever,–is ‘anti-Jewish’ or
But you can’t
allow that to be said, now can you Abe? No, you can’t. It’s like calling
the hellish process of chopping up an unborn baby ‘murder’ or
‘infanticide’–it’s too precise, too honest, and it conjures up too many
mental images that cause the human soul to revolt against it, and so it
has to be renamed something sterile and misleading such as ‘termination
of pregnancy’.
Likewise, you
cannot say ‘anti-Jewish’ when describing the organic hostility that
exists on the part of a growing number of people around the world
against you and your agenda because it is too precise and not confusing
enough. Deception is the main weapon in your arsenal, something which
you and your people proudly state in the motto of your intelligence
agency Mossad and its various counterparts, including your own ADL. You
may have fooled a good number of people around the world with this shell
game you are operating that uses confusing, technical language, but
I–as well as a growing number of others around the world–have your
No, the real
reason that you have to blame all of this ‘poisecution’ on anti-Semitism
is because you need to distract people from what the real causes of the
troubles are. You see, you can’t say ‘anti-Jewish’ because then people
might begin to realize that ‘being Jewish’ is not a racial thing any
more than is being Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever. Being
‘Jewish’ is a mindset and the behavior that accompanies it, and what
this means is that it is fair game for scrutiny and criticism, just as
it should be. Obviously you and your ‘peeps’ feel this way, given your
demonstrated willingness to do it on about a hundred million billion
occasions in viciously attacking the religious precepts of Christians
and Muslims. By comparison, consider this–What Christian is permitted to
claim some kind of racial qualification for himself in order to justify
his behavior? Likewise with any Muslim, any Hindu, Buddhist or whoever.
No, only you Jews
are allowed to do this, which is just another characteristic of what
‘being Jewish’ is all about, which can be summed up simply with the
following statement–
‘Screw you, we can do whatever we want, and don’t you inferior Gentiles utter a word of complaint about it, or else.’
More than that
though, what you and your cohorts seem to fear by using the
more-appropriate term of ‘anti-Jewish’ in describing the fever that is
being raised in the body of mankind is that the amnesia that has gripped
a good portion of the people of the Western world will wear off when
they hear ‘anti-Jewish’ and then they will begin doing that thing that
you and your agenda cannot afford to have take place, which is this–they will begin to remember.
Yes, when they
begin the business of tracing their steps backwards, they will see that
in instance after instance throughout the history of ‘poisecution’ for
the Jewish people that there were perfectly explainable reasons and that
they were and are inextricably tied to aberrant Jewish behavior.
More importantly
though, they will remember what took place over 2,000 years ago in a
tiny town known as Jerusalem, where your forefathers plotted and schemed
and used all the magic they had in their black bag of dirty tricks to
have an innocent man put to death who dared to speak out against the
same kind of obnoxious, callous, haughty Jewish behavior that you
yourselves exhibit today.
But as I said
before, you can’t allow that, now can you Abe? No, the Jewish people and
their historically-documented ugly behavior must remain blameless. The
reason for the friction between them and non-Jewish people has to be
blamed on ‘something else’, just another ‘false-flag’ operation for
which the Jewish mindset is famous for creating.
And this is the
reason why the spike in ‘anti-Semitism’ has to be blamed on the
internet, doesn’t it Abe? No, the fact that the Jewish people of Israel
and their agents spread throughout the Western world have murdered
250,000 innocent Palestinians, 2,000,000 Iraqis, tens of thousands of
Lebanese, 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and that these ‘nice Jewish folks’ are
now maneuvering the next phase of this Judaic war to take place against
Iran has NOTHING to do with the ‘unfriendly’ feelings that are growing
on the part of non-Jews towards Jews. The fact that the vitality of the
Western world has been sapped dry through the vampiric Jewish
stranglehold over its economic, political, cultural, religious, and
academic sectors and the fact that you and your people BRAZENLY LIE
about it has ABSOLTELY NO BEARING on this rise in anti-Jewish feelings.
I guess that
innocent man your forefathers put to death was right after all…you can’t
teach an old dog new tricks, or, as He put it, a leopard does not change its spots…You
really don’t learn from history, do you? Even after 2,000 years of
trying to implement that which is impossible and then dealing with the
disaster that inevitably follows in its wake, you will still try…Using
leaches to cure sickness and having a pile of dead bodies as proof that
it is quackery is not enough to convince you that it is not a viable
system…‘One more, time, just one more time, we KNOW it will work…it HAS to…’
No Abe, the
internet is not to blame, and you know this. The reason why the Jewish
people are (and have been) despised is because they have acted
despicably. The reason non-Jews have possessed (and are now more and
more possessing) an organic mistrust or dislike of Jews is similar to
the reason sheep have an organic mistrust of wolves. You and the various
other tentacles of this Zionist octopus have plunged the world into
chaos and the rest of the world knows it all too well, even if certain
sectors of the world–namely the Christian West–are slow to catch on. The
fingerprints of you an the rest of the ‘boyz in da hood’ can be found
all over the scene of the crime, and rather than admit your guilt, you
have to make the ridiculous claim that someone else with identical
fingerprints came and did this thing and did it all to frame you and the
reason for doing it was this thing known as ‘anti-Semitism’ and that
the internet is being used to facilitate it.
So I guess what
you are really saying between the lines is that the internet has to be
shut down, is that right? In the same way as free speech is illegal in
certain parts of the world whenever Jews and their agenda are discussed
in an intelligent, honest way, the internet also has to be regulated,
and this is the reason why you and your vile, traitorous
organization–ADL–is working feverishly with spineless lawmakers in the
US to deny the American people their rights under the 1st Amendment?
But that has
always been your way, hasn’t it Abe? Your forefathers tried to shut up
John the Baptist when he warned the people about you, and when he
refused to cooperate, you had him arrested and beheaded. Then it was
Jesus, and we all know what happened to him, followed by Stephen, Paul,
Peter and the others. And then of course, we cannot forget about what
happened in those countries that fell victim to your Jewish cousins in
Communist Russia and Eastern Europe, where the first law enacted was the
one forbidding ‘anti-Semitic’ activity. In the meantime, thousands of
priests were arrested and murdered, Christian churches were burned down
or used for livestock stables and when it was all finished, the lives of
66 million people were erased. You just have to make felons out of all
your enemies, and particularly those who tell the truth about you, as it
is the only way you can win. Rather than change your behavior and learn
to get along with others instead you have to nurse that criminal
mindset and the accompanying criminal behavior that comes as a package
deal with ‘being Jewish’.
You fear for the
‘safety and security’ of your grandson…what a sick joke Abe. Your
grandson is already ‘protected’. When he comes of age, he will walk into
a world of privilege and power, and if he gets himself into trouble and
the other kids on the playground come after him because he cheated them
out of something, he can flee to that nuclear-armed hideout custom-made
for all the other Jewish crime lords, Israel.
In the meantime, I
and my children live in a country where the daily debate is how
imperative it is that the sand niggers and hajjis be wiped-out. The
‘chosen people’ of Israel have developed a form of biological warfare
that is racially-discriminating against people of Arabic (Semitic)
ethnicity, just more proof that the Jews are not Semitic. Everyday in
America a real flesh-and-blood Semite is beat up or harassed and no one
knows or does anything about it. On the contrary, those who are the
principle cause of all this genuine anti-Semitism–meaning the
non-semitic/anti-Semitic Jews who are blowing things up and blaming it
on the real Semites–do so with impunity.
People are wrong
about you, Abe, you and your cohorts. You are not a dual-loyalists. Your
loyalty lies with your Jewish gang and with your Jewish ghetto, meaning
Israel. As such, you have no loyalty to the people of America (or
anywhere else for that matter) and therefore cannot be considered a
You are worse
though, Abe, you and all the others with whom you work in tandem. You
are a spy, working in the service of a hostile, foreign government
responsible for perpetrating acts of war against the people of the
United States and elsewhere, and as such you and all the others in your
gang–AIPAC, JDL, WJC, JINSA et al–deserve to be treated as spies, which
is to be executed–Publicly. And with as much pain as possible.
In the meantime,
until that wonderful day arrives, you might as well get used to the rise
in ‘Anti-Semitism’ as you disingenuously put it. As long as you and
your people insist upon living in a state of war with everyone around
you, you will be disliked, shunned, exiled, mistrusted, and despised,
just as your forefathers have been in every locale they have gone.
2007 Mark Glenn