Monday, August 26, 2013

FlopHouse Radio Pod-Cast 05

The World's Going Crazy! Maybe I am Too?

Slightly different format this go around. I decided to just talk off the top of my head about whatever popped into it, & this is the unprofessional result!
Today, I'm talking about Egypt; Uncle Adolf; Naughty Chatroom Toddlers; New Mami's Podcasters;Syria, & spining some tunes in between.
Best Heard with Alcohol.


1 comment:

  1. Well done. I think you are spot on concerning Egypt, religion, Syria and AH. Wow those are hot topics and you seem to have it nailed.
    The Mami's whingers spot was well said. A fave song, attitudes and opinions. Clear thinking and you have a way of explaining things. This is your best work yet my friend. Bravo
