Monday, February 3, 2014

Dresden bombing, Britain’s forgotten war crime of WWII

Over 700,000 phosphorus bombs were dropped on 1.2 million defenseless inhabitants of German city Dresden under Britain’s then Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s order, which not only reduced one of the greatest centers of northern Europe to flaming ruins, but also led to one of the worst war crimes of the Second World War.
Read and weep here:
 I'm very sorry Theding, This atrocity will be avenged. Deutschland!

1 comment:

  1. The English (not the British) fooled the world and incended a war with 50mil casualities.
    Dresden was just the top of these atrocities.
    Lets hope there will be a day, when all the bodies rise up and march to England with all their wounds and burns to let the kids know what monsters their ancestors were.
