Monday, June 30, 2014

Word of the Day: Oxymoron


noun \ˌäk-sē-ˈmr-ˌän\
: a combination of words that have opposite or very different meanings

Common Examples of Oxymoron

  • Open secret
  • Tragic comedy
  • Seriously funny
  • Awfully pretty
  • Foolish wisdom
  • Original copies
  • Liquid gas
Full Definition and Explanation


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bibi Says Israel will Maintain Long-term Military presence in West Bank

"In a policy speech Sunday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also said that Israel would have to maintain a long-term military presence throughout the West Bank, even after any future deal with the Palestinians."
Read more

Jeff Rense with Preston James 6.23.2014

These guys talk about some wild stuff. Aliens, Bankers, Zionists, Military, Fukushima, Opium, Wars, Evil empires, Israel and the Rothschilds. Some wild wild conversations. I had a listen and several good laughs. There is some hidden useful information though and I think it's worth listening. Thanks for sharing Theding. RJ


Word of the Day: Observe


verb \əb-ˈzərv\
: to watch and sometimes also listen to (someone or something) carefully
: to see and notice (someone or something)
: to make a comment about something you notice

 Origin of OBSERVE

Middle English, from Anglo-French observer, from Latin observare to guard, watch, observe, from ob- in the way, toward + servare to keep — more at conserve
First Known Use: 14th century

Earth 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Spirit of Defiance

Cereal Killers: How to Eliminate Sugar and Grains

The persistent myth that dietary fat causes obesity and promotes heart disease has undoubtedly ruined the health of millions of people. It’s difficult to know just how many people have succumbed to chronic poor health from following conventional low-fat, high-carb recommendations, but I’m sure the number is significant.

Cereal Killers—The Movie

June 28, 2014 |
By Dr. Mercola
 In the documentary, Cereal Killers, 41-year-old Donal O’Neill turns the American food pyramid upside-down—eliminating sugars and grains, and dramatically boosting his fat intake. In so doing, he improves his health to the point of reducing his hereditary risk factors for heart disease to nil.
click here for a link to the documentary "Cereal Killers"

Word of the Day: Benevolent

Full Definition of BENEVOLENT

1a :  marked by or disposed to doing good <a benevolent donor>
b :  organized for the purpose of doing good <a benevolent society>
2:  marked by or suggestive of goodwill <benevolent smiles>
be·nev·o·lent·ly adverb
be·nev·o·lent·ness noun

Examples of BENEVOLENT

  1. a gift from a benevolent donor
  2. He belonged to several benevolent societies and charitable organizations.
  3. Trees that size are like whales, sort of benevolent in their huge bulk … —Sebastian Junger, This Old House, March/April 1998
  4. Grandfather sometimes turned on us like a rigged trap, and of course the benevolent gaze of the sage became the glare of the patriarch. —Darryl Pinckney, High Cotton, 1992

Friday, June 27, 2014


"That's all the media and the politicians are ever talking about, the things that separate us, things that make us different from one another. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the fucking money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work. You know, anything different, that's what they gonna talk about. Race, religion, ethnic and national backgrounds, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality. Anything they can do, keep us fighting with each other so that they can keep going to the bank. You know how I describe the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class. Keep them showing up at those jobs." ... George Carlin

Corporate Media Complicity in State Crime

By Jim Garrison
In a country with advanced technology for news distribution, the removal of a nation’s leader by a coup d’etat will never be attempted unless those sponsoring the murder feel assured that they will have an effective degree of control over the dissemination of the news.  Government control must be at a high enough level to guarantee the subsequent distribution of official news releases encouraging the belief that, however tragic the incident, it was essentially meaningless and all is well.

The high speed of news dissemination is used to great advantage in contemporary intelligence assassinations.  The official fiction can be spread to every corner of the world and obtain acceptance as reality long before any separate inquiry, if one ever occurs, has begun.  The sheerest illusion is spun into the only reality the public will ever know. The rest here.

Tomasz Kranz, the prince, and the fake gas chamber

I explained elsewhere that the Majdanek museum quietly dropped its 63-year-old claim that this room was a homicidal gas chamber at some point between April 2008 and March 2009, but what's interesting about the prince's visit to the ex-alleged homicidal gas chamber is the role of his guide, Tomasz Kranz.

Kranz states in the 2010 edition of his book The Extermination of Jews at Majdanek Concentration Camp (originally published in Polish during 2007), that the claim about this room being a homicidal gas chamber is "disproved", and that the chamber was actually used for disinfecting clothing and an undressing room for prisoners—the adjacent room is a shower room. (pp.43-44)

So in 2010 Kranz knew this room had never been used a homicidal gas chamber despite the fact it was shown as such to the British prince on in May 1993, in a tour conducted by Kranz. Everyone is of course entitled to unapologetically change their mind on a topic when presented with new evidence, but it seems that Kranz may have been aware at the time of the prince's visit that the room was never a homicidal gas chamber.  More here.

Word of the Day: Mercurial

mer·cu·ri·al  adjective \(ˌ)mər-ˈkyr-ē-əl\

: changing moods quickly and often
: changing often : very changeable
: very lively and quick

Examples of MERCURIAL

  1. <the boss’s mood is so mercurial that we never know how he’s going to react to anything>
  2. Few moments in English history have been more hungry for the future, its mercurial possibilities and its hope of richness, than the spring of 1603. —Adam Nicolson, God’s Secretaries, 2003
more about mercurial 

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Word of the Day: Occident / Occidental

Oc·ci·dent  [ok-si-duhnt] 

Definition of OCCIDENT

1. the Occident.
a. the West; the countries of Europe and America.
2. ( lowercase ) the west; the western regions.



Definition of OCCIDENTAL

:  a member of one of the occidental peoples; especially :  a person of European ancestry 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The Accusation

Talmud warps the thinking of jews. Even if familiar with these quotes from the talmud, it is a reminder of their mindset.

Word of the Day: Pathological


1 adj of or relating to the practice of pathology
pathological laboratory”
2 adj caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition
“a pathological liar”
“a pathological urge to succeed”
Usage Examples ...

The Blood Rally 6.24.2014

 With this new series of broadcasts entiled In the Name of the Realm, Siegfried takes to the airwaves to discuss future states and nations ushered in by the recognition of worldview and the blood coursing through the veins of its would-be founders.



Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man.
- Mark Twain-

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christopher Bollyn-Creating the 9-11 Myth: Who is Eddy Shalev?

Who is Eddy Guigui Shalev and how did an Israeli flight instructor wind up evaluating 9-11 "pilot" (AA 77) Hani Hanjour’s flying skills just a few weeks before 9-11?  Why was Shalev's obviously false evaluation the only one put into the 9-11 Commission report?  

CREATING THE 9-11 MYTH - Eddy Guigui Shalev was an Israeli flight instructor working without a green card in Maryland during the months prior to 9-11.  He is the only flight instructor who ever gave Hani Hanjour good marks as a pilot and his false testimony, which differed drastically from all others, was the only one that went into the 9-11 Commission report. The rest here.

Word of the Day: Pathology

Full Definition of PATHOLOGY

1:  the study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them
2:  something abnormal:
 a :  the structural and functional deviations from the normal that constitute disease or characterize a particular disease
 b :  deviation from propriety or from an assumed normal state of something nonliving or nonmaterial
 c :  deviation giving rise to social ills <connections between these pathologies … and crime — Wendy Kaminer>


New Latin pathologia & Middle French pathologie, from Greek pathologia study of the emotions, from path- + -logia -logy
First Known Use: 1611

Benjamin Freedman warns United States (1961)


Monday, June 23, 2014

Word of the Day: Irony


noun \ˈī-rə-nē also ˈī(-ə)r-nē\
: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny
: a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected
plural iro·nies
Full Definition of IRONY
1:  a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other’s false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning —called also Socratic irony
2a :  the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
 b :  a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony
 c :  an ironic expression or utterance
3a (1) :  incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) :  an event or result marked by such incongruity
 b :  incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play —called also dramatic irony, tragic irony

Examples of IRONY

Read here 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Word of the Day: Sarcasm


noun \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\
: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

Full Definition of SARCASM

1:  a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2a :  a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b :  the use or language of sarcasm

Examples of SARCASM

  1. a voice full of sarcasm
  2. <I know you’re not happy, but there’s no need to resort to petty sarcasms to make your point.>
  3. That was my favorite show yet this tour, Banks says. I love audiences that are ambivalent. For a second, I think he’s laying on the sarcasm, until he continues. I really like the chance to win people over. —David Peisner, Spin, August 2007
Continue + 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ex-NSA Chief Keith Alexander is Now Pimping Advice to Wall Street Banks for $1 Million a Month

So what’s a Peeping Tom, anti-democratic, Constitution-trampling intelligence crony to do after leaving decades of “public service?” Move into the private sector and collect a fat paycheck from Wall Street, naturally. Following in the footsteps of some of the other top tier public sector cronies looking to cash out after doing their best to destroy the Republic, such as Banana Ben Bernanke collecting $250,000 per speech and Turbo Tax Timmy Geithner hopping over to private equity giant Warburg Pincus, Mr. Alexander is in good crooked company.
So what is Mr. Alexander charging for his expertise? He’s looking for $1 million per month. Yes, you read that right. That’s the rate that his firm, IronNet Cybersecurity Inc., pitched to Wall Street’s largest lobbying group the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), which ultimately negotiated it down to a mere $600,000 a month. The rest.

Word of the Day: Solstice


noun \ˈsäl-stəs, ˈsōl-, ˈsl-\
: one of the two times during the year when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator

Full Definition of SOLSTICE

1:  either of the two points on the ecliptic at which its distance from the celestial equator is greatest and which is reached by the sun each year about June 22 and December 22
2:  the time of the sun’s passing a solstice which occurs about June 22 to begin summer in the northern hemisphere and about December 22 to begin winter in the northern hemisphere

Origin of SOLSTICE

Middle English, from Latin solstitium, from sol sun + -stit-, -stes standing; akin to Latin stare to stand — more at solar, stand
First Known Use: 13th century

Mike Sledge 6.20.2014

Mike found a notebook from 98-99 with ideas for a book he was going to write when he was a stoner. He talks about a pile of conspiracy's and rails on hipsters and bi-polar women.


Friday, June 20, 2014

The Morgenthau Plan (AKA The Jewish plan to rid the world of Germans).

thanks for sharing Theding.

Burn, Men in Black, burn

By Pepe Escobar
Let's cut to the chase. As in chasing that Zara outdoor summer collection, complete with state of the art assault rifles, brand new white Nike sneakers and brand new, unlimited mileage white Toyotas crossing the Syrian-Iraqi desert; the Badass Jihadis in Black. Once upon a (very recent) time, the US government used to help only "good terrorists" (in Syria), instead of "bad terrorists". That was an echo of a (less recent) time when it was supporting only "good Taliban" and not "bad Taliban". So what happens when Brookings Institution so-called "experts" start blabbering that the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) is really the baddest jihadi outfit on the planet (after all they were cast out of al-Qaeda)? Are they so badass that by warped newspeak logic they're now the new normal? More here.

GASPS As IRS Commissioner Admits Missing Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Melted Down – Video

Beneficial and Edible Weeds

Common Chickweed [Stellaria media]:
Companion plant for: I have found that chickweed is best pulled out of the garden or grown in a patch of its own (see “Advisory” section).
Attracts/hosts: Unknown.
Edibility: Chickweed is nutritious and a wonderful addition to a fresh salad. This creeping annual is high in vitamins A, D and B, as well as  minerals like iron, calcium and potassium. Chickweed is used as a diuretic, an appetite suppressant and to help treat asthma, allergies and bronchitis.
Advisory: Chickweed can overtake other plants very quickly, so keep on top of harvesting this fast growing plant.

Weeds worth growing

Word of the Day: Euphemism


noun \ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm\
: a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive

Full Definition of EUPHEMISM

:  the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant; also :  the expression so substituted
eu·phe·mist noun
eu·phe·mis·tic adjective
eu·phe·mis·ti·cal·ly adverb

Examples of EUPHEMISM

  1. using eliminate as a euphemism for kill
  2. Cougar is the euphemism for a woman who has reached mid-life, who is single, financially secure and on the lookout for relationships with younger men—as in prey. —Kerry Gold, Vancouver Sun, 17 Feb. 2001

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Homemade Mulberry Pie

3 1/2 cups mulberries
1  cup white sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon milk
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
2. In a large bowl, mix berries with sugar and flour. Place mixture into bottom pie crust. Dot with butter and then cover with top pie crust. Crimp edges, cut slits in upper crust, and brush with milk. Let pie rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
3. Bake pie in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Lower oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake for an additional 30 minutes. Remove pie from oven and let sit on wire rack until cool.

Word of the Day: Ad Hominem

ad ho·mi·nem

adjective \ (ˈ)ad-ˈhä-mə-ˌnem, -nəm\

Definition of AD HOMINEM

1:  appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
2:  marked by or being an attack on an opponent’s character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

Origin of AD HOMINEM

New Latin, literally, to the person
First Known Use: 1598

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

V838 Light Echo

Word of the Day: Bureaucracy

Full Definition of BUREAUCRACY

1a :  a body of nonelective government officials
b :  an administrative policy-making group
2:  government characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority
3:  a system of administration marked by officialism, red tape, and proliferation


  1. She was fed up with all the red tape and bureaucracy.
  2. Both candidates pledge to simplify the state’s bloated bureaucracy.
  3. As Europe slipped deeper into the war, the uranium panel twiddled its thumbs. It was so mired in bureaucracy that by the spring of 1940, it had managed to approve only the $6,000 in research funds earmarked for Fermi and Szilard, so they could purchase uranium and graphite for their fission experiments. —Jennet Conant, Tuxedo Park, 2002


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Blood Rally 6.17.2014

Episode 9 - Generation WhinY The host examines recent sociopolitical actions of the Obama administration, militant/evangelical "Liberal" privilege and the sundering & would-be solidification between the generations.


Word of the Day: Hegemony

Full Definition of HEGEMONY

1:  preponderant influence or authority over others :  domination <battled for hegemony in Asia>
2:  the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group
heg·e·mon·ic adjective

Examples of HEGEMONY

  1. They discussed the national government’s hegemony over their tribal community.
  2. <European intellectuals have long debated the consequences of the hegemony of American popular culture around the world.>

Monday, June 16, 2014

Congressman Asks NSA To Restore Two Years Of "Lost" Lois Lerner IRS Emails

Apparently lack of document (and email) retention is a crime for everyone, but not for the IRS. And furthermore, only when it comes to the IRS, can a single computer crash destroy the entire email path history, even as it crosses through countless servers across the world, and ultimately lands in somebody else's inbox.
It goes without saying that for the IRS to even assume someone would believe this particular, and quite spectacular, lie is beyond insulting to even the most gullible idiot among the US population.
So we won't say it.
What, however, was simply a bizarre, if idiotic, lie has just been taken to a whole new level of ridiculousness, when moments ago, representative Steve Stockman (R-Texas) announced he would request that the National Security Agency help in the hunt for missing emails to and from the IRS’s Lois Lerner, and recover two years worth of "lost" emails.
Worth a chuckle, here.

Theater of the Absurd: Austin Powers’ Mini-Me gets special attention from the TSA

Even Hollywood stars have a hard time escaping the wrath of the Transportation Security Administration. This time “Austin Powers” actor Verne Troyer was the latest to endure a humiliating TSA pat-down.
The barely two-and-a-half-feet-tall “Mini-Me” actor was attempting to board a flight out of Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend when he became the subject of a TSA search. Luckily his manager, Ray Hughes, was on hand, and was able to snap photographic evidence that has since surfaced to the web and gone viral. More here.

The Results of the US “Spreading Democracy” in Iraq: Terrorism, Civil War and Joe Biden’s Three-State Solution?

The US exploited differences between Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds since Iraqi society was already deeply divided. These divisions were manipulated by coalition forces to subdue the population. Between 2006 and 2008, a sectarian conflict erupted which resulted in over 60,000 deaths most of them civilians. Now there is the threat of Iraq becoming even more divisive, one of them becoming an Islamic state based on Sharia law under the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Since the US invasion, Iraqi population has constantly witnessed terrorist attacks resulting in numerous deaths including women and children. Divisions between Sunni and Shite are even greater today than under Saddam Hussein.
US Vice-President Joe Biden wanted to systematically divide Iraq along ethnic-lines into three states. He wrote a New York Times opinion editorial in 2006 with Council of Foreign Relations member Leslie H. Gelb how the plan would work:
The rest  here.

High-fat Dairy Lowers Risk of Heart Attacks

They just don’t get it! Because they’re so indoctrinated with the false notion that dietary intake of saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease, these people now have a genuine paradox on their hands. How is it possible, they ask, for a food rich in saturated fat to actually decrease the risk of heart disease?
 Written by Kristen Michaelis
Ill tell you how:

Are Carrot Tops Poisonous?

 It’s been rumored that carrot tops are poisonous and potentially deadly, but that’s actually not true. In fact, they are very edible and loaded with vitamins and minerals. There is a persistent rumor that the alkaloids in carrot tops makes them slightly dangerous for consumption, but this isn’t really true, as alkaloids are a substance found throughout nearly every green leafy vegetable.
read it here

Fantasy Rant -from Mr.PeakCrackers

Word of the Day: Autocracy


noun \-ˈtä-krə-sē\
: a form of government in which a country is ruled by a person or group with total power
: a country that is ruled by a person or group with total power
plural au·toc·ra·cies

Full Definition of AUTOCRACY

1:  the authority or rule of an autocrat
2:  government in which one person possesses unlimited power
3:  a community or state governed by autocracy

Examples of AUTOCRACY

  1. <the Magna Carta is historically important because it signified the British rejection of autocracy and constituted the first formal restraining of the power of the monarch>

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mike Sledge 6.14.2013

I listened to this and had a good laugh. Heavily edited for my listening pleasure ;) RJ


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Word of the Day: Agitprop


noun \ˈa-jət-ˌpräp\

Definition of AGITPROP

:  propaganda; especially :  political propaganda promulgated chiefly in literature, drama, music, or art
agitprop adjective

Origin of AGITPROP

Russian, ultimately from agitatsiya agitation + propaganda
First Known Use: 1935


noun    (Concise Encyclopedia)
Political strategy in which techniques of agitation and propaganda are used to influence public opinion. Originally described by the Marxist theorist Georgy Plekhanov and then by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, it called for both emotional and reasoned arguments. The term, a shortened form for the Agitation and Propaganda Section of the Communist Party in the former Soviet Union, has been used in English, typically with a negative connotation, to describe any work—especially in drama and other art forms—that aims to indoctrinate the public and achieve political goals.

further explanation +

Friday, June 13, 2014

Word of the Day: Meritocracy


noun \ˌmer-ə-ˈtä-krə-sē\
plural mer·i·toc·ra·cies

Definition of MERITOCRACY

1:  a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement
2:  leadership selected on the basis of intellectual criteria
mer·it·o·crat·ic adjective


1merit + -o- + -cracy
First Known Use: 1958
  • For the first time in the 20th century, Britain’s agonisingly slow progress towards meritocracy went into reverse.
  • What is happening to the campaigning steamroller that was going to propel the new prophets of technocratic and meritocracy craving Labor into power?

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Fast food found to destroy the ‘enjoyment’ of life

A ‘loss of joy’ caused by fast food
The researchers correlated the responses with information regarding the density of fast food restaurants versus
sit-down restaurants in various zip codes, and found that people living in areas with high concentrations of fast
food outlets were significantly less able to enjoy pleasurable activities that require a relaxed state of mind.

Bloodman Sachs Suckers


The numbers that you are about to see are likely to shock you.  They prove that the global financial Ponzi scheme is far more extensive than most people would ever dare to imagine.
Read and Puke here:

Word of the Day: Hyperbole


noun \hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē\
: language that describes something as better or worse than it really is

Full Definition of HYPERBOLE

:  extravagant exaggeration (as mile-high ice-cream cones)
— hy·per·bo·list  noun

Examples of HYPERBOLE

  1. <enough food to feed a whole army is a common example of hyperbole>
  2. Four decades later we’re all blabbermouths, adrift on a sea of hyperbole, shouting to be heard. —Steve Rushin, Sports Illustrated, 1 Apr. 2002

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tax Dollars, Detroit and Israel

What Could Detroit Do With $9 Million a Day?

As Detroit, Michigan grapples with bankruptcy, requiring at least $1 billion in aid, it is probably not alone. “More U.S. cities could be heading towards bankruptcy”, said Richard Ravitch, a former Lieutenant-Governor of New York, who was instrumental in helping New York City navigate through its financial woes in the 1970s.

So with Detroit, once the world leader in automobile manufacturing, now on its deathbed, and other major U.S. cities selling off their buildings to pay current expenses, it may be informative to look at how the Federal government is spending U.S tax dollars.

Half a planet away is the glittering city of Tel Aviv. One wonders why that city can be so successful, while U.S. cities are dying. Could it be the $9 million dollars the U.S. gives to Israel, every single day of the year, more in foreign aid than the United States give to all other countries combined?
continue reading

Adolf Hitler The Awakening has Begun

Dangers of Soy

Are you convinced yet about the dangers of soy? Many aren’t. “Is soy bad for you? …Really?” I hear the question so often I want to scream.
After decades of hearing marketing spin about how soy is a wonder food, a protein-rich legume able to rescue us from our dependence on meat, I suppose it’s understandable why so many people have yet to understand fully the dangers of soy. Really, you’re not going to get the full story unless you research it on your own. And why would you, when soy is “universally” touted as a health food?
Well, it isn’t.

continue reading

Word of the Day: Kleptocracy


noun, plural klep·toc·ra·cies.
a government or state in which those in power
exploit national resources and steal; 
rule by a thief or thieves.
 1815–20; klepto-  (combining form of Greek 
 kléptēs  thief) + -cracy
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2014. 
Example sentences
-Face facts, lots of people in this country are tired of the kleptocracy of both political parties.
-Examples include kleptocracy and self-enriching leaders.
-Besides, autocratic kleptocracy and oligarchic kleptocracy are both kleptocracies.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Curse of the Informed -The Rabbit Hole of Mainstream News

A reader and friend pointed out a hilarious clip (in that funny way that you giggle at the grim reaper when he trips on his sassy gown coming at you) that shows no less than 16 news anchors reciting (all Stepford like) “Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter Bunny’s step this year.”…..this to prove the obvious—that they are purveyors in nonsense, yes, but not even original nonsense. They were all reciting the same lines! Some asshole with the sense of humor of an edgy member of a Drink More Orange Juice PAC writes this stuff and evidently sends it by pigeon (assuming the economic factors have not taken the flight out of the pigeon) to every incest riddled television station across this land for full contagious dispersal. It’s all pretty ridiculous since the Easter Bunny really shouldn’t get involved in economics anyway; fuck him. He had one job.
Worth reading. More here.


Much more here.

Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds

Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as "remarkable".
Although fasting diets have been criticised by nutritionists for being unhealthy, new research suggests starving the body kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, which fight off infection.
Scientists at the University of Southern California say the discovery could be particularly beneficial for people suffering from damaged immune systems, such as cancer patients on chemotherapy.
It could also help the elderly whose immune system becomes less effective as they age, making it harder for them to fight off even common diseases.
The researchers say fasting "flips a regenerative switch" which prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells, essentially regenerating the entire immune system. 
Very interesting study. The rest here.

VA Audit Finds 100,000 Veterans Waiting for Health Care

A Department of Veterans Affairs audit has found that the VA’s medical scheduling issues go far beyond the Phoenix VA facility, with more than 57,000 veterans nationwide waiting more than 90 days for medical check-ups after making their initial appointments.
An additional 64,000 veterans over the last decade were found to have never had medical appointments after having enrolled in the VA health care system. The audit also found that some VA schedulers felt pressure from supervisors to falsify dates in appointment records in order to meet the goal of a 14-day waiting period for medical appointments.
The rest here.

Word of the Day: Plutocracy


 noun \plü-ˈtä-krə-sē\
: government by the richest people
: a country that is ruled by the richest people
: a group of very rich people who have a lot of power
plural plu·toc·ra·cies
Full Definition of PLUTOCRACY
1:  government by the wealthy
2:  a controlling class of the wealthy
— plu·to·crat  noun
— plu·to·crat·ic  adjective
— plu·to·crat·i·cal·ly  adverb

Examples of PLUTOCRACY

  1. If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy?
  2. corporate greed and America’s growing plutocracy


Monday, June 9, 2014

Words to live by. ;)

Do not regret 
growing older. 
It's a privilege 
denied to many.

How Olive Oil Can Protect You From Air Pollution

I consume extra-virgin olive oil almost on a daily basis, because I understand the importance of including this valuable source of omega-9 fats in my diet.
Olive oil has been widely researched and the findings have clearly shown that the intake of olive oil can lower your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, dementia, and some forms of cancer, and can improve your life expectancy.
Adding to this list, recent research has also indicated that by including olive oil in your diet, you may be able to ward off the harmful effects of air pollution. In the U.S., Canada, and other parts of the over-populated globe, air quality continues to be a very problematic issue, causing premature heart disease, lung disease, and death in thousands of unsuspecting people... More here.

Another Heavily Publicized Random Mass Shooting, More Calls to Rewrite the 2nd Amendment

While people like writer Dean Obeidallah over at The Daily Beast are calling for “political hardball” in regard to gun control, writing, “Anyone else tired of the same old bullshit we see after every gun-shooting spree?” and our congresspeople are busy introducing more anti-gun legislation every chance they get, yet another highly publicized mass shooting just occurred in Las Vegas...
More here.