Friday, November 28, 2014

Race baiting by the “Alternative Media”

 The Dillon Taylor shooting in Utah should be getting media coverage of all types, but now the “alternative media” has become just as complicit in the race baiting. I find this as disgusting as MSM using the Michael Brown shooting.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Black officer shoots dead a white veteran. No MSM coverage.

 Justice for Trevon and Mike Brown? What about justice for James Whitehead? Whitehead was a white veteran coming back from war and Orange county Texas police officer Robert Arnold is black. James Whitehead was murdered in cold blood by officer Arnold. 
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Sunday, November 23, 2014

How Many German Jews Died In The Holocaust?

In all, the Germans and their collaborators killed between 160,000 and 180,000 German Jews in the Holocaust, including most of those Jews deported out of Germany.
Data from the Holocaust Museum website.

 Originally posted on B'Man's Revolt:

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Fun quotes

Here is a quote worth noting: Their is no thief on earth compared to those who stole the Americas from it's people. Then stole the African people from their land. Then worked those same African people to death and stole all the Africans work and built USA with it.  These people steal continents and the people who inhabit those continents. Wipe out whole nations in horrific genocide and slavery. The real crazy part is they then turn around and tell people how they can express the pain of being in humanely treated generation after generation. "In fact, the cotton plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them".-Jewish Encyclopedia(1901)

A must see documentary

Cereal Killers—The Movie

Read about this Documentary here


H.Res.707 – Condemning all forms of anti-Semitism and rejecting attempts to justify anti-Jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over political events in the Middle East or elsewhere.

Shown Here:
Passed House amended (09/18/2014)

Condemns: (1) all forms of anti-Semitism and rejects attempts to justify anti-Jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval over political events, and (2) the comparison of Israel to Nazis.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holocaust survivors condemn israel, call for boycott over latest Gaza massacre

Hundreds of Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors have signed a letter, published as an advertisement in Saturday's New York Times, condemning "the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza" and calling for a complete boycott of Israel.
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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Iceland to be homeland for Gingers :UN

Breaking news! The UN has just announced that the island of Iceland is to become the new homeland for red haired (ginger) people. They will be given the western half of the island and the natives will be forced to relocate to the eastern side. The "Ginger" state will be protected from any war crimes by the US veto vote. So it may cleanse the land any way it deems fit. Thor gave Iceland to the Ginger people. The Ginger state will be given the full might of the American military and the eastern half will be De-militarized for the security of the long persecuted Gingers."Thankfully the US taxpayers will fully fund this endeavor" says spokesman Al Newman for GAR (Gingers Are Us). Some opponents of this new legislation have been deemed "red haters" and "anti-ginger".  "They could be brought up on racial hate crimes." says spokesman Newman. Proponents have argued that Gingers are only a minority and they do have souls after all.

Israel IDF authorize live ammo vs firecrackers

Israeli forces could use live fire against Palestinian demonstrators if they feel their lives are threatened by the firecrackers, the daily said, adding that the protesters should be arrested if their firecrackers are aimed at a fortified guard post.
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

US shitlist

Israeli Government To Refuse Entry to UN Team Investigating War Crimes in Gaza

‘It’s business as usual,’ says critic, for Netanyahu government ‘to commit severe human rights violations and war crimes and refuse to be held accountable.’

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Word of the Day: MAMZER


A mamzer (Hebrew: ממזר‎) is a person born from certain forbidden relationships, or the descendant of such a person, in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish religious law. A mamzer is someone who is either born of adultery by a married Jewish woman and a Jewish man who is not her husband, or born of incest (as defined by the Bible), or someone who has a mamzer as a parent. Mamzer status is not synonymous with illegitimacy, since it does not include children whose mother was unmarried.
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Word of the Day: EMANCIPATE


verb \i-ˈman(t)-sə-ˌpāt\
: to free (someone) from someone else’s control or power
eman·ci·pat·ed  eman·ci·pat·ing

Examples of EMANCIPATE

  1. He felt the only way to emancipate himself from his parents was to move away.
  2. <under the cover of darkness animal rights activists emancipated the inhabitants of the mink ranch>
  3. RJ was actually emancipated when relieved of his duties at mami’s.
  4. The world should demand the emancipation of Palestine.
Full Definition ++

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Executed for PTSD

To this day, the Ministry of Defense refuses to give a pardon to the 306, convicted of cowardice, though even in 1914 people knew all about 'shell shock' - what the modern world calls Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Enemy at our back

"It is certain that between the years 1930 and 1948, a group of almost unknown men and women, Communists or close fellow travelers, or their dupes, working in the United States Government, or in some singular unofficial relationship to it, or working in the press, affected the future of every American now alive, and indirectly the fate of every man now going into uniform. Their names, with half a dozen exceptions, still mean little or nothing to the mass of Americans. But their activities, if only in promoting the triumph of Communism in China, have decisively changed the history of Asia, of the United States, and therefore, of the world"
quote found on Bman's blog. The Enemy at our back

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Word of the Day: INHERENT


adjective \in-ˈhir-ənt, -ˈher-\
: belonging to the basic nature of someone or something

Examples of INHERENT

  1. He has an inherent sense of fair play.
  2. <an inherent concept of justice>
  3. It is one more proof that our world has lost the kind of exquisite sensibility displayed by John Milton when he came up with his definition of poetry. He first wrote simple, sensual, and passionate, but he was bothered by the grossness inherent in sensual, and so he invented the word sensuous. —Florence King, National Review, 24 Sept. 2007
Full Definition and More here

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Israel committed war crimes in Gaza: Amnesty International

The Israeli military's killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians during its summer 2014 military aggression against the Gaza Strip amounts to war crimes, Amnesty International says.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

That Shitty Little Country

Originally posted on B'Man's Revolt

Divide and Conquer

Does your vote even count?

There is no more republican democracy. The Washington politicians do not represent the people, they serve the international bankers, the multinational corporations and foreign State lobbyists i.e., the shadow government global syndicate.

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

This Is Enough to Make Anyone Ill

For FY2015, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $10 million in
Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2015 request for joint U.S.-
Israeli programs is $96.8 million. The Administration also is requesting $175.9 million for Iron